A Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind: Thriving in an entirely new life
By Ester Nicholson
In the last couple of years, I’ve found myself re-committing to a kind of “Spiritual Boot Camp.” I periodically need to do this-perhaps due to my history with dependence. I make a decision to anchor myself deeper in spiritual principle whenever I realize that I am off center and that I have allowed the “illusions of powerlessness and fear” to reenter my heart and mind.
I had found myself more-and-more basing my security on people and conditions. Of course, people and conditions are important, but they also are temporal. They change up on you all the time. Organizations that had contracted me to speak were canceling on me left and right, because of the appearance of “slow economy.” The nest egg I had set aside was diminishing by the day, and the answer to every inquiry I made about getting booked as a speaker or singer, seemed to be, “No, we don’t have the budget right now.”
Boy was I attached.
Needless to say, I forgot all about the infinite nature of God. I was FREAKING OUT, and then FREAKING OUT about being freaked out! Here I am a spiritual therapist, for goodness sake! I’m not supposed to get freaked out if I’m anchored in trust and in a trustworthy God, right? Well, here was a rich and wonderful opportunity to show me just how much I really did trust God-and, let me tell you, it was not looking too good.

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