A Beautiful Mind
When we do this, our illusions begin to fade and we can truly say:
“Wow, Life really is good. I don’t have an erratic, crazy mind running the show anymore.
I have a Beautiful Mind: the mind of God-that governs my life perfectly, prosperously and joyously.”
Here’s to Beautiful Minds – yours and mine!
About the Author
Ester Nicholson, renowned vocalist for Bette Midler and Rod Stewart, former addict, teacher, speaker and author uses her astonishing story and breakthrough process as the core of her powerful book: Soul Recovery—12 Keys to Healing Addiction and 12 Steps for the Rest of Us (Hay House). Ester’s work has revolutionized the treatment of dependence by embracing an expanded definition of addiction and an alternative approach towards healing common issues that are at the root of dependence and dependence-related conditions. Please tune into her weekly radio show, Thursdays at 3PM Pacific Time on www.HayHouseRadio.com or visit www.SoulRecovery.org for more information.

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