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Body Consciousness = Cosmic Consciousness

Body Consciousness = Cosmic Consciousness

What is Body Consciousness?

By Guy Joseph Ale

We are living at a remarkable period in time. Emerging fields of new cosmology, neuroplasticity, superstring theory, and epigenetics are presenting a view of humankind as the eyes, ears, and mind of the cosmos with far more to discover in the world inside us than in the universe at large.

To help you better understand your instrument of mind, body, and energy we first go out into the universe at large and then bring that large universe back into your own body. The discoveries of the above mentioned disciplines indicate that the consciousness animating the cosmos informs every cell in the human body. In essence, when you access your innate intuition you access universal intelligence.

New cosmology shows that humankind is embedded in the cosmic evolutionary process: just as a single drop in an ocean contains in it the character of the entire ocean, so each of us contains in our body the entire information of existence.

Neuroplasticity explains that contrary to the old belief that the brain stopped neural regeneration at around the age of four, latest research shows that the brain is changing constantly, in response to learning, disease, exercise, and other stimuli through our entire lifespan. This means that a person can stay active and engaged in life as long as they practice a lifestyle that stimulates both the body and the mind.

Superstring theory shows that when we divide the particles down to their tiniest ingredients to discover what they’re made of, what we’re left with is strings of probabilities, vibrations of potential. We see that the essence of life is pure energy and information. This is the source of you and the cosmos.

Epigenetics reveal that our consciousness modulates our biology. Our thoughts affect our genes and not the other way around. The higher quality of our thoughts, the better lives we create.

Wisdom of the body – the human body is a well-designed machine for living with built-in mechanisms for self-healing and self-correction, provided we don’t harm it with bad habits. Our body contains a natural state called homeostasis, or self-regulation, where it maintains biological processes, hormonal stability, and internal temperature within an optimal range.

Evolution of the mind – research of Harvard neuroscientist, Rudolf Tanzi, indicates that intuition is the next big part of the brain that is evolving, as it relates to the mind: the instinctive brain followed by the emotional brain, followed by the intellectual brain, and next, the intuitive brain.

Body Consciousness Techniques

Meditation – Eastern spiritual traditions have known about the benefits of meditation for thousands of years. In the past few decades, Western-led science has contributed with numerous studies that show the clear effects that meditation has on overall health. The shortest way to describe how meditation improves our wellbeing is: meditation calms the mind / which calms the body / which enables the body to regain its equilibrium.

Pressure points – our body is a repository of everything we experience: elation, sadness, frustration, fear, and love. Everything that happens in the mind has a correlate in the body. Pressure points help establish free flow of energy in the body, which enables the body to restore its optimal condition.

Ring muscles – the human body contains a system of muscles which regulate the basic functions of existence: respiration, reproduction, heart regulation, blood circulation, digestion and elimination, and the muscular coordination through the body. The ring muscles help restore the original synchronicity of the different systems of the body, which resets the body to its natural balance.

Touch triggers are psychosomatic devices for registering new awareness in your body in a way that later you can recall this information at will. The unique benefit of the touch triggers is that they combine a psycho – mental – process, with a somatic – physical – response to create new memories – new awareness – in your body to establish a permanent desirable change in your life.

Body Consciousness Techniques help us understand the messages that our body communicates to us on a regular basis. Self-management Skills help us create the conditions where we can live the longest and healthiest life possible in our body.

Self-management Skills

Breathing – our daily routines are filled with small and big annoyances, and potential causes of anxiety. When we find ourselves in a “tight situation,” the natural tendency of the body is to stiffen, and the breath to become shallow or restricted – these are the hereditary reactions of our fight or flight instinct.

The solution for situations like these is to learn to do the opposite – Breathe deeply and evenly. What you want to carry with you throughout life is the clear understanding that your breath is your personal domain, and no one can enter this private space uninvited. Whatever negative circumstances we encounter, we can always draw inside, center ourselves, and regulate our breath – deep, even, and free.

Here are some helpful phrases to carry in your mental toolkit and repeat silently to yourself when you face a tight situation

My strength is in my breath

Because I control my breath I control my life

The oxygen of the whole world is available to me

Good nutrition – in general, you don’t need complicated guidelines to provide good energy for your body. Keep it simple: get most of your nutrients from

– Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts

– Lean protein: fish, poultry, soya products

Stay away – as much as possible – from packed and processed foods

– Preservatives and hydrogenated fats

– Refined (white) sugar and white bread

And satisfy all your cravings – In a responsible manner

See Also

Sufficient rest – without proper rest the body and the mind cannot complete their natural cycles of cleansing, healing, and resetting.

Your body contains an internal clock of the circadian cycles, which regulate the basic rhythms of heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and elimination, and balanced energy levels.

It is during sleep that the brain arranges the mental furniture it has accumulated through the day, gets rid of unnecessary debris, files away information in the subconscious for later use, and cleanses and prepares for the following day. This is also what is meant by getting out of the body’s way and allowing it to restore its equilibrium.

Active lifestyle – this article’s aim is to remove any misconceptions people have about keeping an active lifestyle. No one expects us to become Olympic athletes. Significant improvements for lifelong health can be done with small adjustments in the daily life:

– Walking half an hour several times a week

– Taking the stairs instead of the elevator on a regular basis

– Riding a bicycle

– Getting up and stretching on a lunch break to generate better blood flow in your body

– Hiking on weekends

Combining some of these together, and generally arranging your lifestyle to where you don’t neglect your body with sedentary habits

It is worth mentioning that the brain is part of the body. Activities that are good for your body can also sharpen your brain. Physical exercise improves the growth of nerve cells in the brain, which in turn boosts the body’s immune system. This is a process that you can maintain throughout your entire life – by keeping both the body and the mind fit.

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About the author:

Guy is President of Lifespan Seminar and Vice President of Asia Pacific Association of Psychology. He serves as the Secretary General of Chamber of Chartered Behavioral Scientists and is an Esteemed Council Member of International Council of Professional Therapists. Guy received the Eminent in Psychological Science Award at the Int’l Conference on Psychology 2011 “in recognition of invaluable contributions for the benefit of humanity.”

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