Clarity – What Do You See in the World Today?

We sometimes have moments of clarity where we see beyond negative words, activities, or actions to positivity, motivation, inspiration, and amazing things.
How is Your Clarity with the World Today?
By Dana Jacoviello
We sometimes have these moments of clarity. Maybe it is from meditation, yoga, or just simple signs, but what I see is the opposite of what I should or want to be seeing. We engage in social media for several reasons, but it is also a very powerful tool in today’s society. We find out things before we even turn on the television or pick up a paper. What do you see? I see positivity, motivation, inspiration, and amazing things happening every day; however, I also see a great deal of tragedy, judgment, and bullying among other negative words, activities, or actions. We claim to want change in the wake of current events such as that of Trayvon Martin, in the Florida case that culminated on 13th July, Casey Anthony, and even past events such as 9/11.
These are only to name a few. It seems as if there is such a dark cloud around us at times, but it is anything but that. Life is something to cherish, be grateful for, and appreciate. Life is beautiful. We so often fail to see and believe this due to what happens around us. It does not mean that has to end or we stop having faith. Faith is what gets us through those storms.
Lately, I see so much contradiction and fighting over things we have no control over. There is bullying, harassment, prejudice, racism, bias, and so much judgment. Why? What purpose does all this serve? Have an opinion? Yes! Have something to say? Yes! It does not have to hurt people. For people who talk so much about the past, rather than healing from it, or moving on, rather than staying stuck, there seems to be a lot of the opposite going on. Let’s not re-write history but change it. We can’t make a change if we don’t move forward. So many things over the past decade have brought up the race card among other issues. Some might be valid while others are not, but in doing so we are burning flags, fighting with each other, condemning, killing, and not acting in a peaceful adult manner at all in the wake of such events.
These atrocities that take place should be helping us come together, not fall apart. What are we trying to fight for when we do the complete opposite? Many are acting out of anger and hurt and that is not what we want. Don’t throw assumptions and accusations around carelessly. Let’s honor those who have been lost in such events that upset us and break our hearts. They can’t rest in peace if we are not working together to figure out ways to better the world or the system. Are mistakes going to always be made? Yes! There are always two sides and in the middle the entire truth that only victims will know. In these court cases that have sparked some outrage, there are so many things to consider not just what we feel. There are many questions that will always be unanswered and there are no winners.
Regardless if there is fault on both sides, it is a sad story. We have to stop with all the nonsense at some point. We are responsible for our children and how they grow up. We are responsible for ourselves and how we act as well. The world is not the problem…we are!
We are all of different religions, colors, cultures, backgrounds, personalities, values, morals, and beliefs. What we are not…is different in acceptance, understanding, compassion, and LOVE. We are one love. We are united in wanting the best for our friends, family, and children. IF there is one thing we should all believe in it is love. That will get us through what our hearts can’t. As I was watching shows, my Twitter feed, or Facebook timeline during the Trayvon Martin case, all I saw was people arguing and talking over each other rather than having and showing respect. What I did not see was the young boy who lost his life. Why?…because he can’t speak for himself right now. He can’t tell you what he is thinking or what happened. So all the speculation and riots are only making things worse. More violence won’t help the situation.
Trust in your faith and in something bigger that everything will work out as it should. Giving up is not the answer to any of this. People should be able to think and speak without getting attacked. We can have heated debates without becoming rude or hateful. Sure, we are all guilty. I might have tweeted a remark or posted some things, but I said my peace and let it go. I also did it with couth. I did not make it my goal to attack anybody who disagreed, and I had many friends who did. I did not end friendships over a differing of opinion. It is going to happen even within our closest groups. Our job is not to be the judge and jury. Our job is to be there and support one another.
Look in the mirror and what do you see? What do you want to see? Don’t go by what you read or see on the internet. Make up your own mind on what you see. If you don’t like what you see, do something about it. We can all change it if we just DO. Don’t think about it…stand up, speak out, rise up, and take action. Go look outside and all around you today and everyday…what do you see? Something you want to change? CHANGE IT!
There will always be ‘what ifs’. Take a deep breath and make a plan. We work together and one by one our voices will be heard as they have so many times in the past and even now. Protesting can be peaceful without more lives being put in jeopardy. I am sure that is not what those we lost would want or those who are with us. We speak of peace, but we rarely seem to practice it.
Now, I ask you again…WHAT DO YOU SEE?
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About the Author
Dana Jacoviello is a writer, psychology student, student affiliate of APA and NYSPA, works in cyber-bullying investigations with her business partner, and participated in a 30 Day Challenge as an expert in healing and recovery in personal growth/emotional well-being for the OM Times and is contributing writer to the OM Times. Dana is also a motivational mentor and coach, with a strong interest in networking and social media, healing, recovery, yoga and meditation. Please join Dana on her latest anti- bullying campaign/project
Learn more about Dana by visiting…Facebook:

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality
This is a nice article. The line towards the end that says, ” We speak of peace, but we rarely practice it.” Doesnt that ask a question. The answer is in the statement. Rather, it is not in the statement. We rarely practice it. Isnt that because the practice is more and more rarely known or spoken of? Like what is peace, what conditions cause or allow it to exist? I think peace is fundamentally always right in front of us, everywhere in nature. The screen or veil that often conceals it is aggression. Aggression, I think, is a product of neurosis. The way in which most people are brought up, being taught labels and concepts to symbolize and replace the world of sensory experience for communications sake, linguistics and discursive thought leads to neurosis. We feel cut off and seperated from our world and the people in it due to an troublesome byproduct of processing the world with language. We give ourselves a name. I or me. Ego is a conceptual construction that language processing creates. Then it is always, I and my object of perception. Myself, them. If there were some way to disconnect discursive thought to some extent or greater, what we would find ourselves processing the world at hand with would be more sensory, less conceptual. When this state of mind is obtainable our seeing sense takes us out and connects us to the world. Auditory and olfactory senses bring the world into us. Our sensory or touch sense allows us to meet with our world in the middle, to commune in that way. We become the object of our perceptions because we are no longer, or at least are minimally making distinctions in our head about what is ourself, what is ours, what we prefer and accept, and what we reject. It brings us to a state of being more at one with what we are perceiving. Everything looks and feels much different than what we often imagine. Without the concept of self there is nothing to feel the need to protect really. It fosters confidence in our connection with the world. It is after all fundamentally an energy world. Feeling more at one with things, feeling at ease, it the opposite of the perspective the fosters neurosis.. and aggression. When those symptoms subside, peace is what is left. The tool or the practice for learning to see that we our not our thoughts, we are not obligated to thoughts or the emotions we attach to them, that we in fact chose our thoughts, but that ultimately language, labels and concepts our not real in that they have no substance. Words are not what they symbolize. A tree is not a tree. It just is. Then we named it tree. These sorts of awareness take the weight off of discursive thought, allow it to run itself out. Breathing practice, sitting practice samantha and vispassana meditation practice our the ways to learn to tame our ever chatting minds, to calm the mind a bit.. to find and practice peace.