Enlightening Our Global Culture

Mind Shift with Daniel Pinchbeck
Featuring Russell Brand and Eve Ensler
Premiers Tuesday, 15 October
We are facing a unique crisis as our renewed vigor for attaining enlightenment clashes with our materialist based economy and fear-based politics. Is there a way we can reconcile our current systems with the new spiritual paradigms? If not, how can we reform them? Daniel Pinchbeck explores the cultural benefits of enlightenment with comedian Russell Brand and playwright Eve Ensler.
Russell Brand offers his insightful perspectives on spirituality, economics and politics without abandoning his unique zeal and sense of humor. It is an entertaining and informative account on the profound benefits of individual enlightenment. The conversation continues with Eve Ensler as they offer further insights on reforming our fear and consumerism based cultures. Individually and collectively, we can stop being passive and become the transformers of our own lives.
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Mind Shift with Daniel Pinchbeck on GaiamTV
Mind Shift is a new kind of talk show for a new era. Host Daniel Pinchbeck focuses on the deepest issues impacting our world today. Featuring top intellectual heavyweights and cultural superstars, Pinchbeck and his guests explore topics like the future of civilization, technology, spirituality and an emerging new paradigm for humanity.

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality