Ester Nicholson – Soul Recovery

OMTimes: What’s next? Where do you see this new Path leading you?
ESTER: It’s hard to really know. I am busier now than I have ever been—speaking to people I never thought I’d have access to, doing interviews like this one, and visiting communities that my message is resonating with—many of which are pretty surprising to me. I’ve visited high schools, community associations, even companies and organizations. All of these have found value in this idea called “12 Steps for the Rest of Us.” Maybe because I am introducing a healing modality that has had limited application outside of the addiction/dependence community. My weekly show on Hay House Radio (Thursdays 7:30 Central Time at: explores different facets of this work. I’m very committed to getting these ideas out into the mainstream, where I think they can have a significant effect. There are so many people that have simply forgotten who they are—just like me. And like me, they may have forgotten their own magnificence. I want to be an instrument of inspiration and hope, to support people in reconnecting to that magnificence and to their soul’s desire.
Just imagine what the world would look like then!
Keynote at Tacoma Dome – MLK Celebration
Connect with Ester Nicholson
Ester Nicholson is currently on national tour, conducting workshops and teach-ins while sharing the process that has guided thousands to their healing and freedom. Please tune into her weekly radio show, Thursdays at 3PM Pacific Time on or visit for more information.

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