Feng Shui and Noisy Neighbors
Twice in two days I was asked if there is any Feng Shui remedy to quiet a noisy neighbor, so I figured it was time to write an article about this request, which does come up here and there. The type of chronic noise can vary and based on what is causing it, a different approach may be taken.
One client told me that the neighbors she shares an apartment wall with are a couple who argue and they can tell there is also physical violence going on. And since the violent husband has seniority in the same company as my client’s husband, they are reluctant to call the police or make it known that it would be them reporting the crime. My client’s husband does not want to lose his job, in other words.
Now, this is a terrible circumstance to be in: to not report violence because your job could be jeopardized. In the other recent complaint about a noisy neighbor, it was more of the regular problem where someone in an adjacent unit is just oblivious to how much their voice carries or that they really shouldn’t be re-arranging their furniture every night.
Many years ago, a client told me that she placed the reflective side of a mirror on the floor, facing her neighbor’s unit below her. She had heard about this “cure” from the New Age version of Feng Shui and she swore it worked, that her neighbor quieted down after the mirror was placed. Now, something like this only feeds the perpetual misconceptions people have about Feng Shui. A solution like this sounds more like magic, as if you were to cast some spell over another person.
And yet, there really isn’t a catalogue of recommendations for a noisy neighbor, except sound-proofing your own place or some kind of communication directly with the offending party. A neighbor may not respond in the way you want if you just tell them they are too noisy. However, it might give anyone pause if you were able to re-iterate exactly what their excessively loud conversation was about or if you sent them a recording of the noise they were making. This is just a way to bypass a subjective complaint with some objective evidence.
Having a noisy neighbor is not just a problem for apartment dwellers. People who live in single family residences and on large properties also have to deal with this issue.
Where I have seen a Feng Shui correlation has been where my client had indicators in their own home which could reveal they may be prone to arguments, gossip or legal issues. And amongst close neighbors, there is also a good chance that their house has similar Feng Shui if it is oriented the same direction and built in the same time frame. In other words, if adjacent neighbors both have Feng Shui elements which could cause aggravations, those aggravations could actually be targeted toward each other! Sometimes, once your own Feng Shui has been balanced, you are less likely to attract or be vulnerable to these kinds of conflicts.
Instead of going on the offense or suggesting something like “poison arrows” or “ba gua” mirrors, I think that a gift basket to your neighbor along with nice note can be much better Feng Shui and keep the psychic energy between households more harmonious and sympathetic.
However, if your noisy neighbor is a narcissist or has other mental health issues, then the best advice might actually be to move.
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Kartar Diamond grew up in Southern California in the 1970’s and always had an interest in metaphysics and holistic lifestyle choices. She met Master Sang in 1992 became one of his senior graduate instructors from the American Feng Shui Institute. Kartar founded her own company, Feng Shui Solutions, and has advised thousands of clients and students about the healthful benefits of this still greatly misunderstood practice.
Personally I have realized very positive results by using mirrors and setting the proper intentions when dealing with loud undesirable neighbors on more than one occasion. I know of several others who have also benefited from using mirrors involving the same issues.
Why didn’t you give a solution if you thought that was magic?, anyhow I tried this mirror test and it works.These two neighbors fight like cats and dogs and bang things around all the time well I tried this mirror test and they have since gotten a lot quieter.