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Flowering into the Buddha that You Are – Self-Acceptance

Flowering into the Buddha that You Are – Self-Acceptance


We give such immense power and fuel to our thoughts when we accept and approve of them. In essence, thoughts are just thoughts. As such, they come, they go, and it does not make much difference until we start paying attention to them.

But the problem comes when we accept and participate in a particular thought. Then the thought starts to occupy our mind and if it is a negative thought, it goes wild and spreads faster. We are gripped by it, and most importantly we start believing those thoughts, though they gradually rob the peace of our mind. ??Basically we empower our thoughts with our acceptance and our approval.

Where we run into the biggest problem is when we fuel negative thoughts about ourselves! Most people battle with the mind in meditation and in their daily work. They find what is wrong with them, how many mistakes they have made and keep a running list of shortcomings. Keep in mind that anything that brings about self-condemnation is not a spiritual path.

However, we can transform our lives provided we first appreciate and approve of ourselves as we are! In this pristine creation, no two snowflakes, no two rain drops, no two leaves of the same tree, and no two tiny particles of sand on the long beach are ALIKE!!?? Everything in this world is unique, INCLUDING YOU!!! You are unique. You have no parallel, no second in this world. Hence, you cannot be like any other.

The beauty of this is that if Uniqueness is the essence of God’s “thought” of creation, then He/She wants to see you AS YOU ARE! Growing in your own way!

Most people create a hell for themselves for they appreciate many others but never so much their own self. Self-acceptance, Self-love, Self-approval, and Self-appreciation lead to Self-Realization. Not the other way around.

So, the most important exercise that we have to do is Affirm in the mind our uniqueness and the Gifts that we are born with and have developed. Just do an impartial heart searching. Many will find that they are not happy, not only because things are wrong outside, but also because there are many things they don’t like about themselves. Some will wish they were something else, maybe in a better place, maybe with a better relationship, maybe with a better looking body, maybe a better job, a better home, a higher spiritual state, or a more peaceful and happy life.

But in all these there is a denial. Denial of who we are today, at this moment; it is our non-approval of who we are today. This is where we go wrong!

Self-acceptance, self-approval and self-love is the gateway to the infinite possibilities that our minds can create. The consciousness can materialize anything and everything provided it is given a chance. Mere self-denial is the block. In order to open the channel of Divine Grace to flow in every cell of your body, just smile to yourself, and laugh out loud, “What am I doing? Belittling myself and dreaming about being happy!! Ha Ha Ha!” ? Self-acceptance is the Seed that flowers into the Buddha that you are!

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About the Author

Baba Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (Kolkata, India), is an international motivational speaker, author, and social advocate. Founder of Stress Management Academy, Baba’s Simple Art of Managing Stress and Course in Mindfulness are known worldwide, inspiring corporate leadership, students and all seekers of peace and happiness to be the leaders of tomorrow.

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Author of the internationally acclaimed Making Your Mind Your Best Friend, Baba Shuddhaanandaa was the recipient of the Man of Peace Award from the World Organisation for Peace in Mexico, 2012. He is recognized as a visionary social advocate for his development of groundbreaking programs that serve thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in slums of Calcutta, India and remote villages of West Bengal. He founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission in 1985.

Please read his new book Cleaning the Mirror of Mind, available on Kindle.

For more information visit http://www.courseinmindfulness and

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