Healing With Past Life Therapy

Past Life Therapy: Are You Ready to Step onto the Yellow Brick Road to Empowerment and Freedom?

This self-help guide explores past life therapy regression and future life potentials, offering the reader a thorough understanding of each step of the process. It includes detailed transcripts of actual sessions and features people speaking candidly about Healing With Past Life Therapy and their experiences with this form of self-discovery.
Lorraine Flaherty uses the story of the Wizard of Oz as a metaphor for the Soul’s journey towards enlightenment and healing. She has taken this healing journey herself and her stories, and the stories of her clients, provide insights which help people to heal, to clear away unhelpful mental clutter, make better decisions, become more empowered and get onto the right path; their very own yellow brick road which leads them to a place where they can make their dreams come true.
Healing With Past Life Therapy will help you understand just how powerful the exploration of past lives can be and show you how to access past life stories for yourself. You will find out how unfinished business and unresolved karma can be resolved, how it is possible to heal and release negativity that is stored away at the back of your mind and you will find stories of positive learning and achievement.
About this book:
“Lorraine brings compassionate clarity to the fascinating area of Past Lives and Lives Between Lives. Genuine healing and profound transformation are her watchwords.”
~ Richard Abbott, Mind Body Soul Weekends

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