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If What You are Doing Isn’t Working, Do Anything Else

If What You are Doing Isn’t Working, Do Anything Else

If Isn’t Working, Do Anything Else

by Tammra Broughton, RNCP, MNLP, ROHP

You have probably heard this before… that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. I know, it’s not easy to make changes, especially if you have a family to feed.

What I can say from experience, is that we aren’t any good to anyone if we are just dying inside! The fact you are reading this is an indication that you desire to make a change. Ask yourself, what will happen in 3,5, or 10 years from now if you don’t make a change now?

These are important questions to ask yourself and could help you to get motivated TODAY! Did you know that the best way to motivate yourself is to learn about your core values and beliefs and what is truly important to you? Let me explain.

If I asked you: “If time and money were of plenty, and time and money were in surplus and someone handed you $500,000, how would that change your life from the way it is now” You might say something like: I would pay off debt I would travel I would take my family on a trip I would buy or pay off a mortgage I would give back in some way, like travel to Africa and help with building a school or homes You might start an animal rescue or invest in building a business …

Now, what if I asked you: “If time and money were of plenty, and time and money were in surplus and you were now making $500,000 a year how would that change your life from the way it is now?” You might say some of the same things as above but now you might be thinking that you would be able to give back in much bigger ways, invest in real estate and offer much more time up to be with family and to do more volunteer projects.

The next question is the key to discovering your values:


However you answer this question gives me much insight into a person’s values and what they truly, deeply care about.

The last question is:

“Do you believe you deserve this life you have dreamed of?” Yes? No? Maybe? “Why or why not?”

This will uncover some (conscious or unconscious) beliefs you have towards yourself.

How are you doing now?

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being “I am 100% happy with my life the way it is” and 1 being “I need help”, where are you?

If you answered these questions today and you realized that what you are doing IS NOT WORKING FOR YOU then feel free to connect with me and let’s continue this conversation. Don’t you deserve to realize (real-eyes) what your potential and purpose is and then live it?

See Also

Here are a 10 tips to get the ball rolling: Make things happen, don’t let things happen

Become aware of your self talk and how you speak to others – are you a debbie downer? Are you using positive words or negative words? Are you always talking about what you don’t want to happen? Are you asking others how THEY are doing? Be responsible for your actions, say sorry and let go of the need to be right and let both parties involved move on (be response-able).

Stop pulling the same bull on everyone, trust me, people can see right through that! Make a vision board, heck, have a vision or dream board party! Give random compliments to … anyone!

Read more, sing more, take a class… just get out and connect with people who are living life in a better, happier way. Ask them what they are doing and try it on! Look in the mirror and smile as big as you can to yourself. I GUARANTEE this will crack you up! Be honest. This seems obvious but I cannot believe how much people fib these days! What are they so afraid of? Let’s just be honest and when we fib have the guts to admit it! This gains trust and respect from others. Start with being honest with yourself FIRST! Accept that you can’t please everyone and that some are even going to think you are weird. Who cares? You are living life fully! Who will be with you in the end? Only those people really truly matter. Forgive yourself. Take off the chains. The fight is over. It’s time to forgive yourself and celebrate life!

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