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Mars and Venus at Work with John Gray

Mars and Venus at Work with John Gray


On the Road with Lilou

Mars and Venus at Work

Featuring John Gray

Premiers Friday, 01 November

John-Gray_Gaiam-TV_OMTimesWhen John Gray wrote Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, he explored the differences between men and women in relationships. Now, he applies this philosophy to the workplace, examining the needs and communication styles of women and men. In this interview with Lilou Macé, John Gray explains his hopes of inspiring people to create working environments where everyone can be successful in their own unique ways.

John Gray, author of Work with Me: The 8 Blind Spots Between Men and Women in Business, helps men and women understand, respect and appreciate their differences in both personal and professional relationships. He travels the world teaching communities and companies the best ways to improve their relationships and communication.

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On the Road with Lilou on Gaiam TV

About On the Road with Lilou

Lilou Mace gets up close and personal with today’s top luminaries who are inspiring a new era of self-transformation and spiritual evolution for co-creators everywhere. You’re sure to enjoy Lilou’s fun, intriguing and conversational interviews. New episodes Fridays at 7 pm ET. Past episodes on demand daily.

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