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The New Future of Art and Science

The New Future of Art and Science


Mind Shift with Daniel Pinchbeck

The New Future of Art and Science

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Featuring Carter Cleveland and John Petersen

Premiers Tuesday, 29 October

Since time immemorial, art has the pervasive power to influence attitudes and opinions on a grand scale. In more recent times, science has come forward as the primary architect of the world we now live.  Carter Cleveland and John Petersen  join Daniel Pinchbeck to discuss the new future of art and science and explain how the collusion of art and science can inspire mankind’s coming of age.

John Petersen stands at the forefront of technological advancements and offers his unique foresight for the next generation of humankind. Carter Cleveland, who has always stood at the precipice of art and science, realized his vision of bringing art collections to a wider audience with his website, Together, they explain how advancements in social network technology will become the most powerful tool for transformation that we have ever known.

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See Also

Mind Shift with Daniel Pinchbeck on GaiamTV

About Mind Shift

Mind Shift is a new kind of talk show for a new era. Host Daniel Pinchbeck focuses on the deepest issues impacting our world today. Featuring top intellectual heavyweights and cultural superstars, Pinchbeck and his guests explore topics like the future of civilization, technology, spirituality and an emerging new paradigm for humanity.

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