OMTimes Advisors: OMTimes Magazine is Hiring

OMTimes is hiring highly skilled and professional Counselors/Advisors to be part of OMTimes Advisor’s team
For Immediate Release
OMTimes Magazine, a top influencer and media outlet and a trusted name in the Conscious Community with a solid reputation in various alternative/ holistic /conscious living areas believes in creating abundance for all through the building of professional opportunities.

In this first call, we are seeking to hire the highest quality Intuitives, Life Coaches, Healers and Spiritual Counselor professionals to become OMTimes Advisors.
The most important element of this new internet platform is the talent of the providers. This is where we come in. OMTimes Magazine has developed a reputation for quality, not only with its publication, but also with the quality of the intuitive professionals associated with our community of writers, content providers, transformative celebrities and top influencers of this new Conscientious Planetary Culture.
Your role as a advisor/counselor would be instrumental in providing our audience with the guidance they need, by using your gifts to connect them with a higher spiritual consciousness.
Our Quality Standards are very high, and need to be given the nature of the product.
This is a unique opportunity to be part of the creation of new planetary culture of prosperity through service to others and we would not be putting our name behind it if we did not have tremendous faith in the good that we can do collectively. We have learned that in order to do something like this new outreach right, meeting our standards of ethics and success, we needed to do it ourselves. We invite you to co-create with us, joining with us and providing our audience with your gifts, help and unique support through our platform.

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality