Singularity: The Point of Breakdown
by Angela Levesque
Singularity is the point at which what we know to be true breaks down. Whether it is a discussion of physics, technology, or spirituality, it is coupled with the transformation of time, space and reality. Scientists have always sought after quantifiable laws upon which the universe is governed, but in some cases, truth lies just beyond those laws. We then enter the realm of the unknown and we can begin to challenge these seemly immutable laws upon which we base our reality. It is in this space that our true human potential lies. This is the next phase in our evolution.
Evolving Evolution
According to some of the biological standards of evolution, humans are no longer evolving. Common things such as air travel or modern medical technology dilute or extinguish the pressure that used to spur on the biological evolutionary process. But, to say that we are not evolving, would be a false statement. Maybe our idea of evolution as change over time, needs to shift as we begin to see that time is not as static as we once thought. We need to remove linear time from our understanding because singularity exists outside of that known parameter.
Evolution seems to continue as part of our technological advancement, our spirituality and while a contentious theory, some physicists argue that we live in an evolving universe. A type of cosmological natural selection in which the universe is constantly fine tuning itself, to give way to more advanced universes. If we are no longer evolving biologically, but continue to grow and develop in these other areas, then what are we moving towards?
Man & Machine
When we talk about singularity, some people get this image of man merging his consciousness with a machine. Technological singularity is highly debated amongst futurist, but not whether or not it will happen, but when. Technological singularity is about more than just man merging with machine, though some futurists such as Ray Kurzweil believe that is where it is headed. There are some advances that first need to take place prior to that happening. Computer processing power will need to greatly improve. Computers will need to be self-aware and as artificial intelligence continues to advance, computers will become more able to self-correct and improve upon themselves. Eventually, as they surpass the complexity of our brainpower, they will be able to build newer, more complex versions of themselves.
You might ask, why we would to build machines that will eventually surpass us? In theory, this ramped up computing power and super intelligence, will help us to solve the larger and more complex issues that humanity is facing. As they advance, humans will be able to embed their consciousness into a computer. Essentially creating a version of ourselves that could exist indefinitely. This technological immortality is the supposed height of this singularity. But we should ask ourselves, does technology without spirituality lead to our destruction or can it help us achieve our awakening?
A Matter of Time
Another place you will find singularity is in a conversation about space-time. In space-time singularity, we are talking about a breakdown in general relativity. In two instances, our standard understanding of the natural laws of the universe i.e. gravity, do not apply. The first is in the instance of a black hole, specifically at its center. At the center of a black hole the gravity is infinitely strong and it appears that there are incomplete paths or jumps in the curvature of the space-time continuum.
The second instance is the Big Bang. The very first moment of creation. From this moment the universe began expanding and relativity and dichotomy were born. These two events appear to be on the edge or end of the space-time continuum, a place where space and time cease to exist.
When Many Become One
As we usher in the fifth dimension (spiritually speaking), our view of reality also breaks down. We are no longer bound by the confines of the linear, space-time view of the world. Spiritual singularity is what the great sages and religions define as our oneness. In this connection to the whole, our ego mind and our sense of separation dissolve. This dissolution of the mechanistic worldview must also be coupled with the dissolution of our ideas of time and space.
Quantum mechanics is showing us a story of infinite possibility, one where consciousness is the creative force. In this, we also will see the end of our dichotomous thinking, our competition, and the drive to conquer others. When we see we are not part of nature, we are nature.
Can We Engineer Our Awakening?
Is it possible that singularity which is explored in many different disciplines is really talking about the same thing? Maybe our merging of mind and machine is not a ‘Matrix-style’ dystopian version of the future, where man becomes prey to the machines. Maybe it could be that our technological singularity is not a blockade to enlightenment, but rather a catalyst.
Spiritual singularity is about oneness and our understanding that we are all connected.
In a way we already are. The Internet has created a global community. We call it the World Wide Web, because it connects us to one another similarly, as our field of consciousness. It is a technological parallel to this field. Having the opportunity to expand our sphere of influence, pass information and create virtual communities, is a technological expression of our oneness. Now what happens when the processing power of machines becomes so complex that its processing becomes instantaneous. We will see yet another breakdown in our view of time? Maybe as we can solve some of the larger global issues we are facing, we can remove some of the fear that separates us. And as we further build our technological connections, we will become more acutely aware of our spiritual connection.
What About The Heart?
We know that humans are more than just the mind. The heart’s electrical field is up to six times strong than the brain. So as we merge our minds to computers, where does the heart fit in? It is in this question that concerns arise. If we exclude the part of us that intuits, loves, feels compassion, are we doomed to a lesser world? Where will the soul be contained?
As we stand on the precipice of singularity in so many ways, and as we break down old systems and build new a paradigm, perhaps there is hope. Maybe technology will truly be a catalyst to our spiritual singularity, and not the destruction of it. It is our journey toward wholeness that we are all striving for; it could be all one in the same. It is hard to foresee a much more complex future, from a less complex understanding of the universe. Yet, these are the great questions that are facing humanity in the next couple of decades. It makes sense we begin to explore them sooner rather than later.
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Angela Levesque is writer, healer and health educator. She hosts On Health & Healing and House of Iris Radio on Angela works with clients doing intuitive lifestyle coaching, Reconnective Healing and teaches several classes on self-care, meditation & weight loss. Visit for more information. Find her on and

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