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The Soulmate Relationship – It Is Possible

The Soulmate Relationship – It Is Possible

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Do you know if your current relationship is a soulmate relationship?

Do you know what a Soulmate Relationship is?

One of the major reasons why most people are not in soulmate relationships is not that the fact that they don’t believe in a soulmate, but because they don’t really understand what a soulmate relationship is.

The word “soulmate” has become almost stigmatized these days due to various misconceptions about its real meaning. And that’s a real shame! Because a soulmate relationship is one the most fulfilling involvement one can experience in life, and a concept, we see needing some clarification.

But, you must understand and feel what a soulmate relationship is, or you will let them get away from your life experience. A more detailed explanation of a soulmate is someone that you feel well-balanced with while you are together. The connection should be very powerful and non-negative. It will feel as if you were meant to be together.

Your true soulmate will be also becoming your best friend. The two of you will bring out the best in each other, and these a positive aspect that spreads to all the aspects of your life.

Soulmates have the tendency to agree to follow the advice of the happier and wiser partner (who is in this role may often change) so that the couple as a whole can develop themselves in amazing leaps and starts and bring wonderful things to the world.

I keep emphasizing the word FEEL, because that is a key word that the whole definition of “soulmate”. A soulmate is someone you feel and someone who feels you on almost the same level that you feel yourself. You are completely connected on the fundamental level of subatomic particles which you both consist of. It is definitely a relationship between souls.

Usually people having Soulmates relationships are people who have the relationship most of us dreamt of, especially when we were young and innocent: the ideal of a loving and erotic, inspiring and safe and – best of all – lasting relationship.

However, soulmates are not a gift from heaven which some of us had the luck to receive while the majority has been left starving for love. Everybody who seriously wants to live in such a relationship can learn how to do that. There are three basic dynamics which are essential to create this wonderful relationship that most people dream of. These dynamics can be learned.

A soulmate is not someone whom you have EVERYTHING in common with. Of course, you have to agree on core fundamental issues, such as your values and outlook on life, but it is a myth that your personality and interests have to be a perfect match. In fact, sometimes opposite personalities make the best soulmate relationships, because each one of you tend to balance each other out.

There are varied definitions of what is a soulmate. Most are based on religious or spiritual beliefs. But, by all means, it is best to have a broader view of the meaning of a soulmate.

A soulmate is someone that you have a natural connection with right away. You will feel as if you have known each other for an eternity even though you have just met.

If You may feel as if you are never going to meet your soulmate, or that the finding of your soulmate is totally out of your hands, know that this is not really the truth. And even if you think that to have a Soulmate is part of your destiny that you have no control over, you should try to change, because when it happens, you will know instantly.

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Just keep in mind that a soulmate is not a perfect person. We all have flaws, hence we are living a human experience.

You do not have to agree on everything. You are still separate human beings. Just cherish the compatibility and the nurturing chemistry that will exist naturally in this type of relationship.

Good luck on your journey to finding your soulmate. If you have already found your soulmate, continue to grow together and appreciate the magical bond.

You will also enjoy When the Soul is Ready, the Soulmate Will Appear

About the Author

Arielle believes that finding true love is possible for anyone, at any age, and she points to herself as living proof.  She is the author of eight books including the international bestselling The Soulmate Secret: How To Manifest The Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction and Wabi Sabi Love. Arielle lives in La Jolla, CA with her husband, Brian Hilliard and their feline friends.

Article sponsored by Ascending Hearts Conscious Dating Network

View Comments (6)
  • I need to add to this that a soul mate does NOT have to be human. They also do not need to meet your physical needs – the physical and the soul levels are very different. It’s a SOUL mate, not a physical mate.

  • A soul mate can be a best friend, or even your mother. It’s not associated with a sexual relationship. We are born, incarnate, and reincarnate around those that help us develop spiritually. We promise that before incarnating. You know that annoying mother-in-law? That might be your soul mate fulfilling their promise to you to teach you patience, love, and understanding….

  • Can a soulmate be defined someone who you feel, that despite of the circumstance on how you’ve grown up, your life experience, & certain perspectives be someone who you feel that you are connected to, attracted to, and accept them completely? Because that’s how I feel about someone.

  • My soulmate is my mother, she knows when I am sick or feel depress (She is overseas) we have this strong connexion She called me in my really bad days. And my second soulmate is my husband, He full my life with positivism

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