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Top 10 Tips for Detoxing Detoxification at its Best

Top 10 Tips for Detoxing Detoxification at its Best

Detoxification is a process that occurs within our bodies on a natural and continuous basis.


Detoxifying is the process of releasing accumulated toxins and waste products that build up throughout our system. From birth, we are bombarded by toxins, externally from environmental sources and internally, our organs give off waste products that accumulate in our body. Imbalanced emotions also play a part in polluting our system with excess chemicals such as free radicals, homocysteine and cortisol.

Detoxifying is, in many ways, an easy process. Our body does much of the detoxification process through urination, defecation and perspiration. As our bodies age and our immune systems weaken from illness, poor diet and/or addictive substances, we sometimes need to give our system an extra helping hand. That is why conscious detoxing is a great way back to optimum health.

For some, counting on a few cups of coffee, having a cigarette, drinking excessive alcohol or doing recreational drugs has become a familiar habit. Between all the medications, refined foods, additives, alcohol, pesticides and other chemicals we are exposed to in the environment, the ability of our systems to adapt and detoxify can become challenged.

Symptoms such as frequent or reoccurring colds, feeling heavy, sluggish or tired, poor skin, acne or other related skin problems, allergies, a thick, coated tongue, bad breath, headache, and feelings of gas and being bloated after meals may indicate problems in the body’s functionality and it’s ability to process, digest and excrete properly. These vague symptoms that are often overlooked tend to be the results of a congested and sluggish body system.

Exposure or toxicity to food additives, solvents, pesticides, herbicides and other toxic chemicals can cause a number of psychological and neurological symptoms. Toxins produced by bacteria in the gut can be absorbed, causing significant disruption of body functions. Toxins that the body are unable to eliminate build up in the tissues, typically in our fat stores.

One of the best ways to start your detoxification is with the body’s biggest organ, the SKIN. A detox diet strengthens the organs involved in detoxification and releases stored toxins, expelling them through the organs of elimination: the skin, as well as the intestines, liver, lungs, kidneys, and lymphatic system.

Detoxification Self Test

1. Do you skip a daily bowel movement more than once a week? (yes = 1/no = 0)

2. Do you take prescription, recreational or over the counter drugs? (yes = 1/no = 0)

3. Do you eat meat more than twice a week? (yes = 1/no = 0)

4. Do you eat fast or processed food? (yes = 1/no = 0)

5. Ever smoked or exposed to excess second hand smoke? (yes = 1/no = 0)

6. Do you have any skin problems, digestion or gas/bloating? (yes = 1/no = 0)

7. Do you drink alcohol? (yes = 1/no = 0)

8. Do you live in a major city? (yes = 1/no = 0)

9. Do you drink tap water, coffee or soda? (yes = 1/no = 0)

10. Do you feel fatigued, have low energy or poor sleeping habits? (yes = 1/no = 0)

Total Score______ A score of 4 or higher may indicate that you need a cleansing, detox program.


Top 10 Tips for Detoxing Detoxification at its best

1. Eating a diet that focuses on fresh vegetables and fruits.

2. Eat whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

3. Adopt a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise.

See Also

4. Avoiding drugs and excessive alcohol.

5. Taking a high potency multiple vitamin and mineral supplement.

6. Take nutritional/herbal supplements to protect and enhance organ functions.

7. Fasting is one of the quickest ways to increase elimination of waste and enhance the healing process of the body.

8. Go on a three day fast, four times per year (fasting at the change of the seasons is a good rule to remember).

9. Take care of your skin and know your skin type. 10. Consider a self empowering affirmation to clear your mind.

In general, it is usually recommended that you begin with the intestines. The reason for this is if you focus on the liver first, the stored toxic substances that are released from the body tissues may become reabsorbed if the bowels are not moving adequately enough to expel them and can monitor your progress throughout the program.

The most easiest, inexpensive and effective methods of detoxification are fasting and specific dietary regimens. Keep in mind that the goal is to achieve a healthier way of eating, not weight loss, or to rid the body of all bacteria. In fact, “the good bacteria,” known as probiotics, is necessary in order to remain in good health.

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