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WALK-IN – Up Close with the Director Scott Blum

WALK-IN – Up Close with the Director Scott Blum


Has there been any controversy about your film and it’s esoteric theme? Some people liken it to City of Angels meets Legion .

I definitely have had some passionate correspondence with people that have read the book and/or watched the film and haven’t been sure how to process the emotions that come up. One of the biggest issues stem from how fate and free will work together. This story raises some difficult questions, especially as it relates to losing a loved one to a fatal disease and what the spiritual implications of that journey is. I think it’s challenging for people to come to terms that the choice associated with a soul contract isn’t necessarily a conscious decision.

What message do you hope to convey with your film?

The film works on many levels although it primarily aims to entertain first and foremost. I personally don’t care for spiritual films that are too didactic or educational in tone. That being said, there is a subtext that attempts to bring certain conversations to light. One of the more obvious conversations is the concept of a soul using a physical body for a limited period of time, and that “life” is a continuum of existence that doesn’t begin with the traditional view of birth or ending with death. On the physical plane, the film also explores the emotional implications surrounding the profound experience of the loss of a loved one. As with the aforementioned metaphysical message, reaffirming that life on this planet is also continues on without our loved ones, although a piece of their soul always remains in our hearts even after we part physically. There are also some moral questions presented on a metaphysical level surrounding the existence of Walk-Ins themselves and the implications of a soul taking over another body.


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