WALK-IN – Up Close with the Director Scott Blum
How were you able to fund such a massive endeavor?
I was lucky because the producers came to me with a budget in hand, so I didn’t have to look for the money. But now that I have the filmmaking bug, I’m coming to terms with what every other filmmaker has to go through when it comes to funding their movies. Fundraising for a film is not an easy process, and I’m always amazed when a unique film is completed, as there are so many talented people that need to come together to make it happen.
Will there be a sequel or more films to come?
I’m just starting to put my team together for my next movie, which will be the sequel to WALK-IN. It will be based on the second book in my trilogy, Waiting for Autumn. I’m also working on a new screenplay, which will likely come out independent of a corresponding novel.
What is next for Scott Blum?
I’m currently excited about collaborating with talented people to help bring big ideas into being, and impact the world in a meaningful ways. Some are creative and others are more business-oriented. But the overarching thread is that I want to try to incorporate as many different aspects of my past and present to help create multi-faceted view of the future that benefits from experiences I’ve had during my lifetime.
Where can we find out more about your new film WALK-IN?
You can visit the official movie website at http://www.walkinthemovie.com
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