5 Meditations of Mother Nature
5 Simple Meditations
Do you know of any better teacher than Mother Nature? Nature is the best open book of wisdom. We learn every day how she does so much without doing, without rushing to accomplish anything, or claiming any credit for her incredible creativity. She is our Mother and we are her children. She teaches us with so much patience from within and without!
We all run from one teacher to another, but Mother Nature really teaches us all that we need to know in order to lead a peaceful and happy life. We just need to be quiet, be still, be present in her presence, and all becomes clear. The loving Mother sings in our hearts, for we are her dear children!
Meditation 1 – ALL IS WELL!
One astounding fact of life is that the human body has the innate ability to heal millions of possible afflictions. This gift from the Mother Nature is a simple proof of her love and care for each one of us since our birth. If we sincerely take a look within, we recognize how over hundreds and thousands of years, Mother Nature healed and took care of our myriad of diseases. As long as we are alive, her healing energies keep working even when we are in a deep sleep state, oblivious to the world around us. The more we affirm and reaffirm our faith in her healing energies, heal ourselves through positive affirmations of health and wellness, and pray for the healing of others, the doors to a happy and healthy life open for us.
Meditation / Contemplation:
Meditate on this most of your waking hours. The mind has supreme power over the body. Let your mind create the vibrations of healing and health, so that you are healthy again! The Divine Healer is taking care of you; thank each of your organs and each of your cells for performing their job well, and fill your body with gratitude.
Place yours hands over your own chest and listen to the drum of universal rhythm, your own heartbeat. Contemplate on how this orchestra, this symphony of billions of cells vibrating at the same time with the right rhythm, is happening. What is your contribution? Be ever thankful to these organs of the body that are functioning in their own space as long as you are alive. Appreciate this intelligence of the nature within and without, the world within and without. This is nothing but a sense of awe and humbleness.
We are bound by our own actions and thoughts. The mind, given to its lower nature and mundane materialistic attachments, remains bound. The same mind, boosted by spiritual discipline, transforms. Becoming pure in mind is the gateway to liberation and brings the ultimate fulfillment of life.
Meditation / Contemplation:
The caterpillar covers its body with the silken fibers from its mouth and remains bound within that cell. Nobody can help it come out of that. But when the caterpillar, in due course, is transformed into a butterfly, it then cuts open its own cell and comes out without anyone’s help.
That which binds you is also the thing which frees you. You have created the cycle with your mind, and bound yourself with your mind. There is no other way but to use the same mind to find the exit. The key lies within you. As the butterfly sets itself free, meditate on how you bind yourself and how you can start loosening those bonds.
Indeed the two foremost qualities that a spiritual seeker needs to inculcate and practice are Patience and Perseverance. They are the very heart and soul of our spiritual evolution. How we wish our children never suffer in life, how we wish our loved ones never see any failures in life, but isn’t it true that our richest experience is also founded on the core of the storms that hit us from time to time. We learn only when we are stuck. Let us keep in mind that spiritual life is one of persevering through all the vagaries of life, accepting things as they are, and not always worrying about how we think things should be. The more patient we are, the deeper is our awareness of the happenings of our life. Then we are in a position to decode the secrets that are wrapped in the simple things of daily life.
We all have compassionately helped our children or friends in a way that we thought was growth producing, or protecting them from harm, and now they are having a difficult time being able to fly. We have given them everything materialistic, but have not given our time and patience!
Meditation / Contemplation:
A nature lover once saw a mother bird sitting on her two eggs in the nest. He watched the mother bird help one bird from its shell, and he decided to help the other bird free itself, too.
When the two birds got bigger, the one that was hatched at the right time by the mother bird could fly, but the bird he had helped hatch was impaired by coming out of the egg too soon and could not fly.
How do you struggle with letting your loved ones make their own way? The man did not want the chick to suffer, and the bird will never fly. Imagine what could happen to us if we are not allowed to suffer. If we are not allowed to realize the Soul’s potential, imagine the damage that could be done.
Our hearts are heavy when we read about the devastation caused by cataclysmic weather the world over. We see beautiful pictures of all the humble people who have lost everything and now face huge challenges in first surviving, and then rebuilding. We feel helpless at times to help. What is the best way to help all these wonderful children of God who are suffering so much?
Mother Nature is telling us all to ARISE and accept our responsibility to reduce our greed, and care for those who suffer in pain. Mother is Mother, she cannot be hurtful to her children, but at times the child needs a bit of a harsh teaching so that the slumber is broken and the child can hear the words of the Mother. We all need to heed her lessons and do what we can to help heal Mother Earth!
Meditation / Contemplation:
It is time for all of us to feel for these poorest of the poor people. When we pray for them, meditate for them both individually and collectively, our individual and collective sincere prayers touch the heart of God and bring forth His compassion and grace that can always help and heal the millions in pain.
Apart from that whatever little you can contribute, please do so at this hour of need to the cause that you best feel needs your support. What we do may not even be a drop in the ocean, but still our little efforts of help and healing always create the vibrations of positive light and faith in the hearts of the people who are in darkness. Finally, do whatever you can to evoke the compassion of God in the hearts of all and be a part of the compassion in action. ??
Science tells us that almost all the cells of our body are replaced every seven years! It is almost like God gives us a new body following the law of change and recycle. People are curious to know about their past births, but are we not being born every second anew, afresh?
Meditation / Contemplation:
Life becomes monotonous only when we don’t participate in this process of re-creation, re-birthing, into the freshness and glow of the moment. The moments come to us as offerings from Mother Nature. Those who are mindful and conscious accept this offering of change and wake up to a new life experience. We are reborn moment to moment. Spiritual practice is only to recognize, rejoice, and reunite with the Beloved.
Mother Nature heals. Mother Nature teaches in the University of Life.
Know that nothing happens without a reason and nothing happens before time. If you want to learn the path of spirituality, first spend more time watching things of Nature: how a leaf grows, a bird flies, or a flower blossoms! These are the true teachers, not the heaps of information uploaded on Google. Be patient, persevere, and watch how Mother Nature gloriously unfolds her lessons before you as you seek spiritual growth.
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About the Author
Baba Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (Kolkata, India), is an international motivational speaker, author, and social advocate. Founder of Stress Management Academy, Baba’s Simple Art of Managing Stress and Course in Mindfulness are known worldwide, inspiring corporate leadership, students and all seekers of peace and happiness to be the leaders of tomorrow.
Author of the internationally acclaimed Making Your Mind Your Best Friend,
Baba Shuddhaanandaa was the recipient of the Man of Peace Award from the World Organisation for Peace in Mexico, 2012. He is recognized as a visionary social advocate for his development of groundbreaking programs that serve thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in slums of Calcutta, India and remote villages of West Bengal. He founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission in 1985.
Please read his new book Cleaning the Mirror of Mind, available on Kindle
For more information visit http://www.courseinmindfulness

Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (Kolkata, India): Globally acclaimed motivational teacher (mindfulness meditation, stress reduction) author, peacemaker (Man of Peace Award 2012) Visionary social advocate; founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission, 1985, which serves thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in India. (Lifetime Achievement Award, House of Lords, UK, 2015)