7 Natural Strategies for All-Day Energy

Is coffee not keeping you awake? Try these for all-day energy!
Step Away from the Caffeine: 7 Natural Strategies for All-Day Energy
by JJ Virgin
My friend pulled the trigger as soon as I pulled out of her driveway. “What a day!” she said, clicking open the can and slugging a big sip of her energy drink as I drove to The Grove for some holiday shopping.
Problem was, it was only noon, and she was already wiped.
We live in a fast-faster society that rewards always-on, always-on-the-go behavior. Maybe you get up an hour earlier to complete another report, or you juggle two jobs and three kids. I’m right there with you. I run two businesses while raising two teenage boys.
Manufacturers respond to our low-energy epidemic with an explosion of hyper-caffeinated drinks. Or if java’s your thing, there’s your favorite coffee shop around every corner to give you that much-needed mid-afternoon jolt.
Yet ever notice the more caffeinated you become, the more often you crash? That’s no coincidence: excess caffeine jacks up your stress hormone cortisol, leaving you paradoxically wired and tired.
If you’re using caffeine as a crutch to mask underlying issues, gradually taper off and incorporate these seven strategies for steady, sustained all-day energy:
All-Day Energy Tip #1
Get 7 – 9 hours of high-quality sleep every night. Nothing like a restless night to zap your energy, make you feel lousy, and start the day’s caffeine cycle. Even one night’s poor sleep can adversely affect your hunger hormones and set the stage for cravings, lethargy, and a miserable day at the office. Prepare for sleep: about an hour before bed, turn off electronics (yes, even your iPhone!), take a hot bath with a cup of chamomile tea, and calm your mind with deep breathing, meditation, or light yoga.
All-Day Energy Tip #2
Check your thyroid levels. Fatigue and feeling constantly drained can signal thyroid imbalances, since this butterfly-shaped organ regulates energy levels. Ask your doctor to run a thyroid panel and include free T3 to make sure you convert well to the active form. Other signs of low thyroid include low body temperature, dry skin, weak nails, poor hair growth, high cholesterol, constipation, slightly yellow palms, and missing the outer third of your eyebrows. Aim for a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level between 1 and 2.
All-Day Energy Tip #3
Eat by the Plate. Start your morning with a low-fat muffin or cereal and you’re due for a mid-morning energy crash. Instead, make breakfast a protein shake, which balances blood sugar to keep you full and focused for hours. I blend vegetable-based protein powder with unsweetened coconut milk, freshly ground flax seed, frozen raspberries, and raw kale. To maintain that steady energy all day, load your plate with lean protein, healthy fats, cruciferous and leafy greens, and slow-release high-fiber carbs like legumes.
All-Day Energy Tip #4
Zap the energy thieves. No, not your in-laws! (Though toxic relationships can certainly drain your energy.) I’m talking about coffee, alcohol, and other stimulants or relaxing substances that help you in the moment but leave you listless later. I enjoy a cup of organic dark roast or pinot noir as much as anyone else, but over-relying on these for energy and relaxation can create long-term problems.
All-Day Energy Tip #5
Burst to boost energy. Kind of ironic that exerting energy creates more energy, but that post-exercise endorphin boost can make you feel exuberant. Who has hours for the gym? Burst training can help you blast fat and boost your energy in just minutes a day. My free 4 x 4 Workout combines burst training with resistance training – the two best types of exercise – in just 15 minutes, three times a week.
All-Day Energy Tip #6
Get your D. Sunshine helps regulate your circadian rhythm and improve energy levels. Studies show among its many problems, vitamin D deficiency contributes to fatigue. Ask your doctor to test your D levels and aim for 60 – 100 ng/ ml. If you’re not there, work with an integrative physician to optimize your levels. Once you’ve hit that mark, I recommend 2,000 – 5,000 IUs of vitamin D daily. And get out: even 10 minutes of sunshine can boost your D levels.
All-Day Energy Tip #7
Create bliss. Society rewards doers, but we weren’t always meant to be “on.” Hyper-stimulation can trigger battery drainers like adrenal fatigue. I tell clients to schedule relaxation during their day; otherwise, it becomes all too easy to neglect. Maybe yoga’s your thing or walking your dog around the neighborhood. Call a friend or watch a silly movie. Find what works for you and do it. Stress management is a necessity, not a luxury.
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About the Author
Celebrity nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin is a bestselling author, public speaker, and media personality. Her 25 years in the health and fitness industry, the past 10 in holistic nutrition and functional medicine, have earned JJ recognition as the go-to weight-loss resistance expert who can unlock the door to fast and lasting fat loss by removing hidden food allergies and food sensitivities from the diet. She couples her diet advice with burst training to repeatedly get the results no one else can. JJ is the author of The Virgin Diet and Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy and was recently the co-star of the TLC reality series Freaky Eaters.
Connect with JJ Virgin at: http://jjvirgin.com

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