Afformations: Discovering the Missing Piece to Abundance
Afformations: Discovering the Missing Piece to Abundant Health, Wealth Love, and Happiness
So says bestselling breakthrough performance expert Noah St. John (media appearances include CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, NPR, PARADE, Woman’s Day, The Huffington Post, Chicago Sun-Times, Forbes, The Washington Post and more) in his latest work, THE BOOK OF AFFORMATIONS®: Discovering the Missing Piece to Abundant Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness (Hay House).
Noah invented the stunningly simple yet amazingly effective method of Afformations, which has single-handedly helped tens of thousands of people around the world to attract more money, lose hundreds of pounds, find their soul mates, and dramatically improve their lives.
Omtimes: What are AFFORMATIONS and how did you discover them?
NOAH ST. JOHN: Did you ever notice how your best ideas come in the shower? In April 1997, I was a broke college student sitting in my tiny dorm room one night, when I looked at the list of positive statements I’d written: “I am happy”, “I am wealthy”, and “I am rich.” I finally admitted that even though I’d been saying and writing these positive statements for years, I didn’t believe them.
The next morning I got in the shower and asked myself, “Why are we trying to change our lives saying statements we don’t believe . . . when the human mind automatically responds to something even more powerful?”
That’s when I invented the four-step method I named Afformations® and started teaching it to people around the world. Since then, over 200,000 people in more than 50 countries have learned how to improve their lives using Afformations.
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