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Astrological Forecast for Week of November 18-24, 2013

Astrological Forecast for Week of November 18-24, 2013

Astrological Forecast for week of November 18-24, 2013


 By Kathy Biehl

This is the most quiet week in a most tumultuous month. Yet within that stillness, sounds are stirring: sounds of opportunity knocking.

Big strides forward are possible, with boundless Jupiter offering a step-up to action figure Mars on Tuesday. Watch for chances to expand your efforts, upgrade your targets and accelerate your pace.

Doorways that open now could prove both beneficial and healing. The trick to doorways, remember, is that they stay in one place (unless, of course, you’re in a fantasy); you’re the one that moves.

Information, messages, research and realizations bubbling up from your depths are unlocking some of those doorways.

Mercury’s helpful link to Pluto, on Wednesday, has the power to solve mysteries, deliver powerful data and transform your thinking radically and forever.

See Also
New Moon Solar Eclipse

If you’ve been needing to take out the garbage, a cosmic bin could appear for it.

An uptick in optimism, good will and belief in possibilities arrives on Thursday with the Sun’s move to adventure-seeking Sagittarius. We’re all more susceptible to Sag’s ruler, the big guy, Jupiter, who’s nudging us to take chances, to have some fun and to have second helpings and, what the hell, dessert, too. As for those of us who’ve been grumbling over the holiday displays that have been creeping into stores for weeks, watch us succumb to his golden glow and climb aboard the holiday express.

Warm spirits have another source as the weekend rolls around. That comes from the aftermath of the adventure our hearts went through last week as Venus, goddess of all we hold dear, slam-danced with the change agents Uranus and Pluto. Saturday she fields a solid offer from Saturn, lord of structure and tradition. Relationship and financial matters become real. Ones that have been up in the air come down to earth; others find containment or take a recognizable form.

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