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Astrological Forecast for Week of November 18-24, 2013

Astrological Forecast for Week of November 18-24, 2013

Productivity has lasting effects until 11 AM EST, when the Moon goes void of course (what that means) until before dawn tomorrow. For maximum satisfaction, spend the bulk of the day on activities that you will do again because of their nature: routine and repeat tasks, organizing, cleaning, filing, etc. If unsettling information comes your way during this spree, take it under advisement and don’t attach to it.

Wednesday: Something about the world is not the same as it was when you turned in last night. The overnight hours turn a key in your perspective that not only opens it up, but also tilts it. The Moon’s void (what that means) ends at 6:20 AM EST when she sets off on the sensitive waters of Cancer. The first leg of the voyage is sweet (which could translate into food; be warned), gentle, loving and possibly even magical.

Keep a lookout for the week’s second doorway. When a powerful message or offer floats by you, or the opportunity to refocus your mind, you’ll know you’ve hit the doorway.

 Thursday: On the agenda for the dreamworld: emotionally processing the ongoing upheaval and change imperative. You’re at another stage where something’s gotta give, which could be inside you, or coming at you from the outside, or coming out of you to an external target. The waking hours bring a definite moment of “getting it,” whatever “it” may be for you.

See Also
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Compromise may be required when you find yourself at cross purposes with interpersonal or financial matters, and if not compromise, then standing back and taking a look at them. They’ll settle in of their own accord without you pushing or demanding. The rise in laughter and high spirits signals the Sun’s annual move into Sagittarius. Give yourself permission to enjoy yourself for the rest of the day; nothing in the sky is saying you shouldn’t.

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