Astrology Forecast for Week of November 25

You’re on the way. The seismic activity is part of your personal journey of evolution. Next stop: Sunday, when the Sun opens a channel to the liberating genius of Uranus. Stuck? No way. You may be startled by what opens up, but stuck is one thing you will not be.
Monday: Serious issues begin to work themselves out in your mind overnight. More of the same follows in the daytime, which brings certainty, containment and mature, responsible communication. Use this groundedness to navigate any wooziness that arises in relationship and money matters, whether from confusion, or romanticizing/fantasizing, or being anxious about trusting that a development is real.
The Moon in Virgo puts discernment at your disposal, so run information by your intellect; just take care not to fall into chewing, mulling or worrying. Entitlement genes will be making their presence known, including yours. Keep in mind that some of the shenanigans will stem from insecurity, overcompensation and guilt. Consider the source.
Tuesday: Emotional gears churn and turn during the overnight hours and deposit you in a new and improved relationship to the ongoing turmoil and upheaval. Admit it; you like the new you. Motivation is high and clear for direct, concrete, efficient action; the more you take a new (to you) path or approach, the better.
Opportunities are on offer to firm up information and plans, to hold discussions that get down to business. Entitlement genes are rearing their heads again. Give them free rein. Communication’s enjoying a golden flow, and most everything will be expressed and received with good intentions.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.