Astrology Forecast – Week of Nov. 11-17, 2013
Back on shore, the week’s big action is Venus’ apache dance with the cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto. The upheaval and refocusing of the past few weeks is now bearing down on relationships, agreements, desires, financial arrangements and value systems. What’s your bottom line? What do you truly value? That measuring stick will be tested, and how, as we run all the change impulses by our heart.
The building tension finds release on Thursday, when Venus’ clash with Uranus unleashes lightning bolts (and strikes) that disintegrate locks, barriers and limitations. On Friday, as she merges with the primal instincts of Pluto, we stand in the rubble (or daylight) and a cry roars up from our very cells: I WANT.
If that sounds intense and dramatic, well, just watch. We’re applying a scalpel to all manner of situations and concepts, most especially our wish list. We’re streamlining priorities even more and getting serious to a new extreme.
Simplifying and focusing is an imperative, which is why so many pack rats have been feeling the uncharacteristic drive to throw things out like mad. If something’s broken, forget repairs; toss it out. Relationships are going off life support. What holds appeal now is spartan, simple and likely to appreciate.
Well, not entirely. There’s the not-so-little matter of that screaming I WANT. If we really, truly, deeply, madly want something, we are going for it, no holds barred, and anything else will simply drop. Consequences be damned, too — many an apple will be so tempting that we chomp down on it, and will be worth the repercussions as well.
Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.