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Astrology Forecast – Week of Nov. 11-17, 2013

Astrology Forecast – Week of Nov. 11-17, 2013

The theme of desires and satiation continues with the Taurus Full Moon that ends the week, on Sunday. Unlike the last two lunations, it’s not an eclipse (as thousands cheer), which we won’t see again till next spring (ditto). It’s casting a light on earthly appetites and experience. How satisfying is yours? A full discussion is in my mooncast, which will be posted by Saturday.

Monday:  Doorways open to desires at all levels, to making powerful connections (and/or big money) and to ending relationships and arrangements for good. The trick about doorways is that they don’t move; it’s up to you to walk through them or not. Your inner guidance and communication systems are operating without static or jamming; hand the reins over to them and let your rational side marvel at the results. Tweaks in plans are possible this evening. Embracing disruption could be wondrously stabilizing. If it throws you into a wall, well…look for another tweak.

Tuesday:  The overnight hours turn the key in your ignition and press down the gas pedal. Your possibilities and self-confidence are grander than ever as the day starts. In this buoyant atmosphere the Moon goes void of course (what that means) at 9:35 AM EST for the rest of the day. Dream big. Dream bigger. Give yourself permission to push against the walls of your existence — and to enjoy life. Put writing materials by your bedside.

See Also
The Year of the Dragon: Chinese Horoscope Forecast for all Signs.

Wednesday:  The Moon ends her void (what that means) at 2:44 AM  when she enters high-octane Aries and revs your engine, whether you’re awake or not, once again. Illusionist Neptune is stationing direct, ending a five month retrograde, and likely sponsoring a festival of short films in the overnight cinema of your psyche. Pay attention to how this day feels (it could be gentle; it could be filled with rough magic), and make a game of tying the feeling to the voyage you have been on in the past five months. Restfulness is more likely during the day than evening or night. The dark hours are edgy, dotted with confrontations and chess moves. Change begins, as always, on the inside. You’re not apt to hesitate when the moment for release presents itself, and if you have to face a terror or cut something out, well, so be it. Motivation and energy run high, past many a bedtime.

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