Astrology Forecast – Week of Nov. 11-17, 2013
Thursday: Today is full of volatility, surprises, and breaks of all kinds: down, through and up. A choice at the outset affects how you experience this excitement. Your motivation may be involved, or your agenda, or your mode of activity. (Choosing beneficial action is advisable; you may have to adjust your approach to pull that off.) Developments could grow cartoonishly large as the day progresses. By late afternoon, it will feel as if excess has taken over the day, possibly with giddiness as co-conspirator. The larger-than-life atmosphere continues throughout the night, as the Moon goes void of course (what that means) at 3:59 PM EST until tomorrow morning. Don’t attach much seriousness to what transpires in the evening. The daylight hours are more important and lasting.
Friday: The Moon is void of course (what that means) until 9:50 AM EST, when she moseys into comfy, earthy Taurus. Worldly considerations and desires rule the day, as the two gods of love and money, Venus and Pluto, merge and turn on a tractor beam. The phrase that will crop up most, in conversations and in your thoughts, is “I want.” Ultimatums are risky; there’s no room for compromise today. There’s also no room for going back. Proceed wisely.
Saturday: The past few days have left us all a little rattled, even if changes have been welcome. The dreamworld crackles with an electrical anxiety. Consciously or not, we form a new relationship with it and align ourselves with the primal forces (destiny, perhaps?) that are reshaping and guiding relationships and values. Come daylight, compromise is still missing from the dictionary. We’re all in massive growth spurts, pushing our own agendas ever forward. Put writing materials at the bedside, and ask for a dream if you have a puzzle, concern or curiosity. Be sure to specify that it use imagery you understand and that you remember it.
Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.