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Connecting to Spirit and Surrendering Your Troubles

Connecting to Spirit and Surrendering Your Troubles

Connecting to Spirit with the Sacred Box Exercise

For many people who experience empathy overload we often feel that there is too much to handle in our lives.  We struggle with sorting everything out and feeling as though we are alone in the task of making sure everything turns out well.  We are not connecting to spirit and surrendering our troubles.

Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are not alone.  One of the best ways to do this is to connect, or even reconnect to our higher power, or Spirit.  A great way to do this, and allow Spirit’s will to be done through us, we have a better awareness that we are not the only one who has to handle everything.  You can choose to trust that the Spirit will provide harmony and wisdom – all you have to do is surrender to it.

I am so excited to share this exercise with you – I love how I feel when I practice it and I get great insights into my life and my relationship to Spirit.  I hope you do also!

The Sacred Box Exercise

Find a small box, big enough to hold small pieces of paper on which you will have written a sentence or a few words. This space is now your Sacred Box, a sort of mailbox where you can place your troubles, knowing that you’re sending them off to Spirit so that you can receive the help and support you need to handle specific feelings and situations.

Any time you feel you can’t cope or don’t understand what’s going on in your life and how it’s going to lead to your greater good, write a note about it and place the note in the Sacred Box. If you start obsessing about something, place a description of it in the box. You can place your anger there, or your resentment or jealous thoughts, too. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, place a note about it here, being mindful that you are surrendering this to the care of a higher power. Doing this is an act of faith ritualized by having created this receptacle for grace to enter your life. Every six months, or at the end of every year, I take out all the notes I wrote, all the concerns I handed over to my Sacred Box, and sure enough, everything has been taken care of by a force greater than myself.

The Sacred Box probably works so well because making a ritual of a commitment or intention seems to solidify it in ourselves. Although it may seem easier just to say, “Spirit, please take this burden from me,” the Sacred Box can be a powerful tool for letting go of worries, too.

“It wasn’t such a big deal after all.”  Have you ever heard yourself say or think this before?  Some challenge or obstacle comes up in your life, you worry and stress about it and when it’s all over, and time has passed, you look back and think, what was the big deal?  Now you know who had a hand in guiding you along the path!

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When you truly practice this surrender to the Spirit you will notice your problems work themselves out without having to devote your mental and emotional energy to solving them. Things just have a way of getting resolved by Spirit.

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