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Desire Without Attachment

Desire Without Attachment

by Carl Studna

Quite often, in contemporary Spiritual communities, we consider the definition of desire as a quality to move away from, associating it with attachment. In Buddhism, it is encouraged to release all forms of attachment in our lives, as anything we are attached to will tend to imprison us from being completely free.

Perhaps there exists a broader definition of desire, as a deep inspired vision that we’re not holding onto for a particular outcome? What if desire were simply that rich, organic calling to live full out, with no constraints? Akin to a budding flower whose only desire is to reach for the sun and grow into its most colorful and vital form of expression, we are born into this world with such unique and glorious gifts unlike anyone else. As we grow and simply learn to listen within, our Divine imprint or directive is always singing us its perfect message.

When we are living our lives from this deeply impassioned drive to simply create, our attachment to outcome isn’t present because the desire is not based in having an iron-clad agenda on how the outcome needs to be….we are solely being driven by our inspired vision…period! Operating from this purview requires that we release a lifetime of conditioning that has programmed us into believing that the accomplishment of our goals is paramount. Being true to sincerely listening and following our inner-directive is the real deal, then trusting in whatever outcome is for the highest good of all concerned.

As we anchor more deeply in the faith that Divine Intelligence is always supporting our highest of potential and fulfillment, we release our attachment to outcome and naturally express our burning desire to simply be the greatest we’re here to be. Below is an affirmative statement that can serve as a tool for deepening in our faith and inner-listening.

I am still and listen. I slow down and allow my perfect rhythm to dictate each moment’s choice. As I allow, I am set free. All past self-limiting thoughts and feelings are released to Divine Intelligence perfect flow. Clarity and inspired vision guide my path and all past obstacles are dissolved in the light of pure awareness and clarity. I am free, now. I am whole. I am living the perfect, inspired life and trust that each outcome serves and supports the highest of good for all concerned. And so it is.

Pure radiant, on-fire desire is the true essence of your nature. Free from attachment, let it glow with its ever-expanding radiance and witness the miracles flow with every breath and every step that you take.

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About the Author

Carl Studna is a world-renowned photographer, inspirational speaker, teacher and award winning author. Carl’s intimate portraits of influential people ranging from Paul McCartney to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, are published and known worldwide. Carl has taken his message and experiences to print in his newly released book, CLICK! Choosing Love…One Frame at a Time. Studna’s innovative work, the LuminEssence Method©, teaches a new paradigm for radiating the light that resides within revealing each person’s authentic gifts.

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