Marianne Williamson – A New Paradigm for Politics

A New Paradigm for Politics
Discover the Secrets of Mind-Body Wellness
Featuring Marianne Williamson
Premiers Thursday, 14 November
America is having a new conversation about politics, and Marianne Williamson is vying to be its spokesperson: She is running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Williamson is making it her mission to challenge the current traditional system by merging spirituality, progress and politics. Here she shares her mission and vision with Lisa Garr, in a compelling interview.
Internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer, Marianne Williamson has four #1 books on the New York Times Best Sellers list. Her latest book is titled, The Law of Divine Compensation. In 1989, she founded Project Angel Food to bring meals to homebound people with AIDS in the Los Angeles area. She also founded the Department of Peace Campaign, a grass roots campaign to establish a United States Department of Peace.
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Inspirations with Lisa Garr features leading-edge visionaries, spiritual teachers and inspiring innovators in personal development and mind-body wellness. You’ll explore ancient wisdom, gain personal insights and learn about spiritual enlightenment.

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