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Oracle for November 2013 – Vision

Oracle for November 2013 – Vision


by Darity Wesley

The energies and directions for the month of November are evolving around the act of envisioning and then holding those visions within all levels of your life…professionally, spiritually and personally…read on…

If you have read these Oracles you know I love to define our terms so that the words we use are understood. I always seem to make sure people understand that unless you know the meaning of a word, or a series of words, you misunderstand the truth of the matter being conveyed since really words are what we use to convey the thoughts, feelings and connections we have between each other. There is of course our intuition which always comes into play. There was a whole Oracle a few months ago on Intuition. What it is, exercising it and applying it more and more to you life.

So, intuition is good too. Sometimes you can intuit the truth of the words being conveyed, usually you intuit the truth of the person saying the words. As a writer and a lawyer, the real word definitions are important to me so let’s start with that as we see what Spirit is giving us as the practice for November. I want you to feel real sure what that means and how to engage in visioning the various parts of your life this month.

Well, as would be the case with many words, “Vision” has five different definitions in the dictionary. See why it is so good to check out words. I am using Vision in a certain way and it could mean different things to different people so I want you to be clear on what I mean so you understand what the Oracle is conveying to you as a practice for November.

First, vision is at its basic level, “the act or power of sensing with the eyes; sight.” So, seeing with your eyes is the predominant understanding of “vision.” Next is the “act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be, like a prophetic vision or the vision of an entrepreneur.” Then, “Vision is an experience in which a person, thing or event appears vividly or credibly to the mind, although not actually present, often under the influence of a divine or other agency: a heavenly messenger appearing in a vision.” (although you are suppose to compare that to a hallucination. – Hmmmm) Well then, next is “Something seen or otherwise perceived during such experience, the vision revealed its message” and last, but not least, “A vivid, imaginative conception or anticipation: visions of wealth and glory.”

The Oracle says that visioning in the new world application refers to our intentions, our affirmations, our seeing what it is we know we want to create or to manifest into our lives and it also involves asking our angels and guides, our Ascended Masters and Star brothers and sisters to give us visions, visions we can hold on to, visions that have the ability to hold the space for what it is we want in life.

Think about peace for a moment. John Lennon said “Imagine.” Imagining and visioning, as I am referring to them here, are probably pretty much the same thing. If you can see it, if you can envision a world where everyone gets along, where everyone is just doing what they do and there is a general level of tolerance and peaceful understanding of the sovereignty of each and every person, you are visioning peace and this is an example of the energies and directions for November, doing just that on a regular basis about everything your intuition, your spirit, your angels and guides, totems, ascended masters provide to you for such a purpose.

This Oracle is here to support you in making this visioning a part of your new way of life, as a practice that brings more and more spiritual expansiveness into your life. As we have said before, at other times, there are many changes that are taking place at this time and while the third dimension folks may just laugh and call such visions, hallucinations or even craziness. That “old” reality, that unknowing chaos that is going more and more over the brink into a shared morass of the abyss pretending everything is the same as it was as they stay connected to the third dimension. It really has nothing to do with you anymore. It is passing away at a faster rate than would have even been imagined. However, it continues to struggle to take the entire world with it. Do not get caught up in it. Know that All Really Is Well and that you and I and many others hold a vision of a new world based on love not fear!

So, the important practice for you during this generally busy month of November, is to allow yourself to dream, to envision your wildest desires without limitation on whether they become real or not. In other words, without attachment. In doing so, this Oracle is here to support you in taking time to daydream, to envision, do allow your visions to bubble up from your heart, from your thoughts without any negative response by you. That critical mind you have really can stop envisioning in its tracks: “What the heck are you thinking, you can’t do that.” “So and so would never let you do that.” “Just think what people would say if you did that.” – So much conditioned mind chatter that is not in any way real.

Allow the world of possibilities come forth. If it feels good keep it, and then, if it feels right to you, share it with someone who cares and supports you. There is no obligation with visions, because they are just for now and they will either stick and you will want to follow it or not – no harm no foul! The most important thing? Keep believing all things are possible…as they truly are…

See Also

As always, this Oracle’s guidance is here for the expansion of your Spirit to support the fulfillment of your purpose…which is what you came here to do and why you chose to be on the planet at this time. So remember, practicing envisioning yourself in a different mode, on a different level, doing different things and knowing you are being your truest self brings an energetic reality to your thoughts and meditations which become part of your persona and thereby supports the attraction to you of all those visions that you desire! Remember to keep the vision, keep the energy of how good it feels to have those visions. Live it, be it, feel it and expand it and you will find that Spirit will deepen your spiritual experience each and every step of the way. You will then find yourself truly grounded in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what. Remember that LOVE is all you really need…

Let your mantra for the month of November be: I AM visioning, holding space for the visions and loving every step of the way… And So Is!!!

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About the Author

Darity Wesley, lawyer, author, speaker and advocate for personal and spiritual growth is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter. @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. To learn more about Darity see her Bio page here on OM-Times Magazine If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at

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