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Spiritual Journeys: The Perfection of the Mundane

Spiritual Journeys: The Perfection of the Mundane

By Mark Anthony Rockeymoore

Every day we live our lives moment by moment, immersed within the daily grind. For those who ruminate upon the spiritual, we are often beset by feelings of hopelessness as the sheer preponderance of our problems overwhelms us in pettiness and despair. The worry we feel when thinking about our bills, the trepidation we entertain when thinking about difficult personal relationships. Job worries, money worries, relationship worries.

They all seem so impossible to figure out, to reconcile with our spiritual journeys.

How can we ever overcome ourselves?

Reason fails us in response to this desperate question. The constant flow of discursiveness, of thoughts cycling round and round again in our minds obscures the answer to this question completely and we forget ourselves as we are caught up in the illusory flow of false realities we create deep in the throes of emotional turmoil.

Our first response in seeking answers to this query is to pursue religious and spiritual texts, self-transformation and consciousness studies that exhort us toward mindfulness, meditation and contemplation of the divine. We respond to this inner urge toward gnosis by immersing ourselves in studies, in practices that, we are told, are designed to free us of our dependence upon the ebb and flow of mental and emotional states.

We are assured by Gurus, Shamans and Teachers that this or that is the Way, that many have trod this path before us and that, if we can only maintain our focus and practice, we will surely succeed, in time. And we believe them, desperate to change our stars, our state of mind, our lived situations.

But what is often overlooked, is the undeniable reality that, until we go within and deal with the issues in our lives that cause us to engage in repetitive personality-based patterns of thought, speech and action, these issues will rise to the fore again and again, erasing our perceived progress and leaving us foundering within the very morass we originally sought freedom from.

Each personality trait, each habit, each conscious and unconscious vocalization and movement has its genesis somewhere in our past. In events that happened to us, often early in life, that formed the basis of our lived expression. The crooked smile, the twitch in one eye, the way of holding an arm or standing leaning on one leg over the other. The direction our thoughts take when processing experience; conversations, witnessed events, familial and societal memes that require our engagement and interpretation and, reaction. Because of the inherently subjective nature of consciousness, our experiences and beliefs form the basis of our interpretive faculties and guide our subsequent understandings in often invariable and limited channels.

So what, then, is the answer? How can we overcome these limiting thought processes and find the peace that will form the foundation of our further spiritual inquiries?

By finding out who we are. As inscribed upon the ancient temple of Luxor in Egypt, “Man, know thyself … and thou shalt know the gods.”

By going within and doing the difficult work of examining yourself in all of your beautiful, wondrous complexity, you will come to know who you are. You will come to recognize the dysfunctions and their roots within your personality complex and, by so doing, prepare yourself for the difficult task of working through them.

See Also

Processing, reconciling and transcending the limitations of past patterns and releasing them. By so doing, we till the ground of our inner consciousness fields, uprooting old complexes, churning the dirt of conflicting ideologies and belief systems, processing perceived ills and traumatic experiences, effectively clearing our fields for renewed growth and a bountiful harvest.

In seeking higher spirituality, nothing comes easily. Every day we live, is perfect. Every experience we encounter is designed specifically for our own self-realization process and is also perfect, in every way. It is incumbent upon each of us to engage the process step by step, painful realization by painful realization. But it is possible. More than that, it is inevitable. The desire which leads us to the path toward gnosis is irreversible, taking us invariably to a state of being wherein we shift beyond desire and into a new space. A space where we may find ourselves less affected by the petty issues and mundanity of the day and ensconced within the peace of presence and inner illumination, taking each moment as it comes, assured in the knowledge of our own perfection.

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About the Author:

Mark Rockeymoore is a PhD candidate with specializations in Geography, the Environment and Education.

He is an Energy Worker specializing in Attachments, Implant and Insert removal at and

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