Tough Love with Kyle Keller
I think I might have given him mixed signals, and I think that maybe he thought I wasn’t as into him as I really was because of my surroundings and everything that was going on.
I think if we would have been out in the real world, without the cameras, things would have been different. I still think we would have just ended up friends in the long run. I don’t think he would have put me in the friend zone as soon as he did, but I think we would have eventually.
Omtimes: Let’s discuss more about relationships. What relationship advice or wisdom do you have to provide those out there who are both single and in relationships?
Kyle Keller: Yes. I would say for people who are single to just let it happen. I know its so cliché and people say this all the time, but things happen when you least expect it. If you’re going to search for a relationship you’re not going to meet the person that you’re supposed to be with. You’re going to meet a lot of fillers…I guess you can call them. You’re not going to meet the right guy. I think confidence is key. It doesn’t matter what you look like or how much you make or whatever. If you have confidence, that is going to show and attract a lot of people.
Now in terms of being together in a relationship, this is something that I have had experience with and I will preach it until I turn blue, but if you are in a relationship do not blast it over social media because it can’t ruin things. I know first hand, I think especially with me being in the public eye now.
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