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Water, The Creative Life of the Universe

Water, The Creative Life of the Universe

Water is a Gift from the Creator

By Nancy Oakes

Human beings as declared through science are as much as 80% water. The indigenous people, the “First People” believe that before the voice of the Creator, and the light of the Sun was placed in our new galaxy, water was already on this planet, and is the basis of life.

From the beginning in a mother’s womb the fetus floats in amniotic fluid which is 98% water. Proof again the sacredness of water, just as the Creator provided water for the first people on this planet, the same process is carried on for each child born since our arrival. We are created within the warmth, and protection of the water within the womb. This knowledge is encoded in our DNA. We have been separated from this sacred understanding, however we have now become awakened and can remember. The elders say we are no longer in a dream.


For centuries humanity has built altars at waters edge, used water to baptize ourselves and our babies, emerging ourselves in water as a sign of rebirth. It is written that Jesus went down to the water as a great sign of his humility and dedication to God, to be baptized in water. Water is known to heal, restore youth, and ensure eternal life. We are drawn to sacred pools around the world as we believe in the healing waters. In Southern France at the “Waters of Lourdes” six million people come each year for a miracle of healing. We gather at the ocean shores many of us mesmerized at the site of the magnificence of the ocean waters. Humans scatter ashes of their loved ones in rivers and oceans as a sign of immortality. The Maya believed the deep sacred pools of water called cenotes were portals to the underground a sacred place where the water-cooled the core of the planet. Without the water deep within the earth our planet would heat up. Many indigenous people believe that water has memory, and if you listen it will tell you of the stories of creation, flowing from the mouth of the Creator.


One-sixth of the world’s population do not have fresh drinking water. Forty-six percent of the households on our planet do not have piped in water. In Luanda, Angola, two cups of water cost ten cents in a recent drought. Some women in developing countries walk over five miles to get fresh water. In some of those areas, people are not allowed to bath in the precious water, it must be saved for cooking, and drinking. Recently in Kamal Bhato, of the Nehru Camp in Delhi, a young man was beaten to death for trying to break into a line waiting for water being delivered from the government.

Water is so scarce in some places on the planet that science is using technologies to convert salt water into drinking water. Approximately, 97% of all the water on the planet is salty, 2% is in glazier and snow, (this is changing, rapidly) .03 is in rivers and lakes, this leaves 1% of all the water on this planet for drinking, and crop irrigation.

The indigenous people are concerned about the process of forward osmosis, carbon nantubes, and biomimitics, all three involve cooking the water, and electrical charges. The elders say this destroys the memory of the water and causes it to lose its life force. In other words your drinking dead water, with the salt removed and replaced with fluoride and other additives. A clear cocktail of chemicals and electrical charges from which the body receives no natural advantage.


You do not have to be an elder from indigenous tribe to see the damage done to our oceans, and the planet because of oil drilling and fracking for natural gas. Ask the people who are living in the areas of both industries. The process used to extract natural gas called hydraulic fracturing requires injecting great volumes of water obtained from the aquifers mixed with sand, and at least more than 20 chemicals underground to help shatter the rock. In addition to gas some of the water returns to the surface as an ultra-salty brine tainted with metals like barium and strontium carrying significant environmental risks and is most cases depleting the aquifers entirely of water. Which means the people living above the aquifers will have no water for a long time, as in takes millions of years to refill aquifers.

John H. Quigley, former Secretary of Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, stated, “In shifting away from coal and toward natural gas, we’re trying for cleaner air, but were producing massive amounts of toxic waste water and radioactive material and its not clear we have the plan for proper handling this waste from fracking for natural gas.”

Review for yourself the damage being done to our rivers, and oceans, google ‘oil spills’ since 2000. There you can review five pages of documented oil spills across this continent, it does not include other countries. For example: Port Arthur, Texas spilled into the Bay. a barge collision 1200 barrels, Adak Petroleum, tank release, Adak Island, Alaska, 113,000 barrels spilled into the ocean and shorelines (not gallons, but barrels). The first page of the website documents an additional 195,908+ gallons of oil spills into rivers, oceans and the earth’s surface.


Celebrate with the Pima, a Native American tribe in Arizona, after decades of campaigning the Pima, or Akimel O’odham, which means the “river people”, have won back their water that was the life blood of their society. The river that flowed through the tribe’s territory and fed their complex irrigation systems was diverted by settlers in the late nineteenth century. Terrible poverty and starvation followed, and many Pima were forced to depend on government rations. These rations were based on three main products, white flour, lard and sugar.

The collapse of the Pima’s farming system, the dependence on rations and spiraling poverty led to a health disaster, with the tribe having one of the highest rates of diabetes in the world. More than half of the population over the age of 35 has type 2 diabetes.

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Now following the largest water-rights settlement ever in Indian country, water is flowing back into Pima land. The people are harvesting gardens of beans, okra and other vegetables. The elders say you can feel the healing power immediately upon eating what Mother Earth provides. With the return of the life blood, water, the people are renewed. What a blessing for the Pima people, as they return to their culture of gardening, and better health.

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About the Author

Nancy Oakes is a member of the Free Cherokee, and an adopted member of the United Lenape Band. Nancy is currently involved in the study of psychology, and cultural anthropology. Her passion is “A humanity free from the addictions of drugs and alcohol. She is also an activist for the Freedom of Tibet, and the preservation of sacred life on this planet. Her first two books will appear soon on The Return of Sophia, Mother of the Universe, and Remembrance, Living in the Fifth World. You can contact her at her email address of,

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