Why Yoga Makes You a Badass

For any of you who think yoga is for wimps or make fun of men who do it or even women, go take a yoga class. I promise you will walk out of their feeling like the biggest badass ever.
Yoga People Are Total Badasses
By Dana Jacoviello
As far as I am concerned, everybody who does yoga is a badass. Let me tell you why. I used to be one of those people that thought yoga was for unicorns and fairies. My thoughts were that it was a joke. Who does yoga? I don’t live in that meditation fairyland with the rest of the shiny happy people.
Boy was I ever wrong about that mentality.
The first time I ever did yoga I was in awe of what it actually entails. I am a former athlete and consider myself to be in good shape, but I learned a thing or two at my first yoga workshop. The first thing I want everybody to take note of is that it is a thousand degrees in the room, especially if you do hot yoga. I feel confident in saying that I can compare it to what the center of the equator might feel like. I wore sweat pants for my first yoga class. This is a big no-no! My friend said she wasn’t wearing shorts and then wore shorts. By the way, I wanted to unfriend her after that.
As I continued to do some simple poses that were not that bad, I soon realized people around begin to stand on their heads and put their legs up in the air all over the place while doing a crow or plank position. It goes from one position very quickly to another. For first-time yoga people, the first thing to think about is the quickest escape route.
If you are not flexible, you will not be participating in that part of the class. A good suggestion is to just sit in a downward dog pose or create a pose such as the cradle position with a thumb in your mouth for getting involved in a yoga class in the first place.
At one point during a workshop, I had to hold another person’s foot while the other person next to me held mine. Yes I said foot. What does holding feet have to do with yoga? What a workout this was. Who stands on their heads passed the age of 16? Anybody? Let’s not forget that if I stand on my head there is the possible chance of flopping right over and either kicking someone in the face or landing on top of them.
That would be some fun. Welcome to yoga where strange people fall on your lap who don’t do yoga.
While others look like beautiful flowers, I felt like I looked like a drunken spaz.
As I tried with all my might not to laugh throughout the entire class for getting in over my head, I began to sweat profusely as if I was in a sauna from the nonstop poses, movements and stretching. The only difference is that I was not naked or relaxing. My face might have even turned purple a couple of times throughout the class.
Depending on what type of class you take, there might be dancing, journaling, or talking about feelings. I have had my experience with the feelings department and well…I would rather stand on my head. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the class as I stayed as open to it as possible in the beginning, but it definitely was full of laughs.
Halfway through the yoga class I was drenched, My towel looked like I took it out of the washer and forgot to dry it, and I drank a gallon of water. Up and down and this pose and that pose. It is as if you are training for football camp. If a yoga class was not filled with all of this, it would most likely just be another workout at the gym. The amount of endurance and strength one must have to endure yoga class is unexplainable. You can stop and go as you please, but nobody actually does that.
It also does wonders for healing, stress, and just a release that we all need in our lives. It is a good place to create change.
Yoga is not as easy as I originally thought it to be nor was it all Indian style sitting, chanting, and fluttering around!
For any of you who think yoga is for wimps or make fun of men who do it or even women, go take a yoga class. I promise you will walk out of their feeling like the biggest badass ever.
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About the Author
Dana Jacoviello is a writer, psychology student, student affiliate of APA and NYSPA, works in cyber-bullying investigations, and participated in a 30 Day Challenge as an expert in healing and recovery in personal growth/emotional well-being for the OM Times and is contributing writer to the OM Times. Dana is also a motivational mentor and coach, with a strong interest in networking and social media, healing, recovery, yoga and meditation.
Please join Dana on her latest anti-bullying campaign/project www.bullieskeepout.com
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DJacoviello7

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Yoga provides peace of mind, body and soul. Making Yoga a part of daily routine will make sure to avoid all the incoming diseases. Thanks for sharing your personal experience with everyone.
My experiences make me giggle at this article. I love yoga and when I was 300lbs over weight I believed I could not do it but to my surprise I could when I tried. And it has been my exercise routine of choice as I have lost my excess weight. Yoga has not been the only key to my weight loss but it has been my favorite part of the journey. It does make you feel energized after (or it does me)!