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4 Easy Ways to Keep Your Pets Happy

4 Easy Ways to Keep Your Pets Happy

By Mark S Perissinotto

Many times, humans confuse pet happiness with their own. The fact is it does not take too much to keep your pet’s tail wagging. Make sure that you are meeting the needs of your pet with these 5 happy pet secrets.

Basic Needs

Pets have basic needs the same way human beings do. Your pet needs secure shelter, water and food. As a general rule, your pet will be happier the more secure and safe your pet feels. While this sounds simple enough, some folks still get confused about a pet’s needs. There are a few things you can do to ensure these are met.

Get on a feeding schedule for your pet and keep this routine. Knowing that food comes routinely every day will keep your pet secure and happy.

For your pet, always keep water that is clean available for your four legged friend. Make sure it is full and fresh by checking it twice a day.

Weather considerations are important as well. A home that is too hot in the summer or not cold enough in the winter can spell disaster in terms of your pet’s need for a secure habitat.

When you have to be away, you might want to take your dog with you. By doing this, your dog will be spared from separation anxiety and destruction that is induced by boredom.

Play and Exercise

Think about critters such as squirrels and birds that run incessantly around in natural habitats. This indicates that happy creatures are active ones, regardless of what their species is. It is unfortunate that many folks buy pets that need minimal exercise. To keep your pet happy, make sure there is time carved out daily for play and exercise.

Boundary Setting

Knowing what the boundaries are keep pets happy. When you teach your puppy to sit before you go out doors or when your cat learns about litter boxes, you will not only feel better, but your pet also develops better self-esteem.

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Pets that are unchallenged and isolated daily are more likely to feel unhappy. Engaging your pet’s brain by providing pet toys, a cat tree or even treats now and then will help keep your pet in good spirits. Teach your pet new jobs, skills or tricks. The more opportunities you provide for stimulating your pet’s brain, the less likelihood there is for your pet to act out due to boredom.

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About the Author

Mark Perissinotto has been a practicing veterinarian for over 20 years, 14 years of which he was the owner and principal of a busy multi-vet mixed animal hospital. One of the two co-founders of Vet Shop Australia, graduated from the University of Queensland with Bachelor of Veterinary Science and one of the best retailer of pet supplies Australia.

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