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7 Keys to Rekindling Romance in Your Relationship

7 Keys to Rekindling Romance in Your Relationship


The Secret Keys to Rekindling Romance in Your Relationship

I think it’s wonderful when a love story begins with a great deal of romance and affection, passion and excitement, that’s how it should be. But I don’t necessarily know that it’s the wisest thing in the world to expect that it ends there, or that it should, 30 years down the road, still look as it did on the night of your first kiss.

~Elizabeth Gilbert

Almost all the love stories that come into existence, come to exist with the potential to be a fairy tale, a true “once upon a time”: you met someone and fell in love, and started a love story that is like no other. With time, the wonders of a relationship, so obvious when it is just beginning, is replaced by the demands of daily life, life changes, children and the couple’s own personal growth.

To keep the love and romance going is sometime scan be one of the biggest challenge a couple can face. Often, it seems like the romance and passion has just vanished from your lives all together. But how can you rekindle romance?  Rekindling romance is actually very easy.  Add a little kindling, blow gently on the embers, and new fires of passion and romance will flair up.

The good news is that these circumstances are completely avoidable and preventable in most in most cases if you are willing to truly invest in your relationship and bring it to a new level.


Seven Keys to Rekindling Romance

Rekindling Romance Key #1 – The first step to rekindle the passion is to be sure to start from the beginning; remember the things you used to do with your partner when you both started to learn about each other.

If you cannot remember these times, or you are not a really romantic being, do not get worried, it will get progressively easier as you try new things, and new ideas will always pop up after a while.

In most of our relationships, or new beginnings, we shall always rely on the little things that show our attention and tenderness in small acts and build upon them, to create an atmosphere of mutual care and attention.

Rekindling Romance Key #2 – Be sure to remember all your “special” days together, like anniversaries and Valentine’s Day: they are the resume of your romantic life’s history. Be sure to mark this occasion with something nice, such as a card, flowers, a special dinner, or a gift, showing how important and relevant this date is for you both.

Rekindling Romance Key #3 – If you both are into meditation, yoga running or camping, any activity that you can practice as a couple, try to create little rituals associated with the activity. For example, at the beginning of each walk, recite a small poem, sing a song together, or just exchange jokes. Little rituals are enduring recollections of the good times you spend together, and the celebration of life by both of you.

Experts on romance say for a happy marriage there has to be more than a passionate love. For a lasting union, they insist, there must be a genuine liking for each other. Which, in my book, is a good definition for friendship.

~Marilyn Monroe

Rekindling Romance Key #4 – You may not regard yourself as the best writer on the block, but nothing can beat a heartfelt love letter, expressing not only the feelings when together but also when you are not together and sharing the daily aspects the life you are building together. This is a guarantee way to revive the fire of passion and intimacy.

Not comfortable writing letters? Try to make lists naming everything you like in your partner, such as things that make you smile, things that make you feel loved, or favorite memories. If possible, create these lists with fun pictures, real ones or from the ones from old magazines. These lists/books will create loving memories and they will bring much joy every time they are seen again.

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Rekindling Romance Key #5 – Call your partner just because, just to say I love you, if they cannot answer the phone leave a gentle loving message to bring about a tender smile to their day.

Rekindling Romance Key #6 – In the matter of gifting your partner, try to go without of the ordinary, even knowing that flowers, chocolate and perfumes are best sellers, try something different. Gifts with thought behind them show more care. Try gifting a movie night, with champagne, to celebrate their accomplishments.

Rekindling Romance Key #7 – Make a habit to send them random humorous cards, either to their work, or under their pillows.

These are just a few ideas, there will be many more personal ideas that will enter your plane of consciousness once you set yourself with the intention to deepen the love, the romance, the friendship and intimacy of your relationship with your life partner.

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