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Astrology Forecast Dec. 9-15, 2013

Astrology Forecast Dec. 9-15, 2013

Look for that marker to come back into view next May, when Jupiter returns to the degree of his current aspect to Saturn. At the moment, you’re on the trail of the emotional flow from July, when Jupiter first linked with Saturn. You’re going back over emotional territory and picking up sustenance of some kind. What connection can you draw between how you were feeling last summer and the emotions cresting now?

We’re in the process of making final decisions. They will lock into place when we come back to this week’s marker, in May.

Monday:   We are all surfing on emotional waves today. The Moon is linking with boundless Jupiter and rigid Saturn in an easy, round-robin flow (a grand trine) that’s taking us through and to experiences with deepened, nurturing and lasting value. You may feel a connection to, or at least an outgrowth from, events and emotions from last July. This time around, relationships are active and sunny. You’re feeling more settled into your own skin.  Your heart and will are aligned and working together. Cowabunga!

See Also
2020 Aquarius Full Moon OMTimes

Tuesday:  The dreamworld offers suggestions for making happy relationships even better, or connecting with a new and special one. Spend your waking hours figuring out ways to enjoy them more. Today’s big choice involves indulgence.  Give yourself over to it, in whatever ways nurture you most — and allow you to live and express yourself more grandly. Insights, lightning bolts and monkey wrenches are flying like crazy. Welcome tilts in perspective, unexpected messages and gale-force fresh air. By the end of the day, your heart will embrace the new and exciting.  More info’s coming overnight. Put writing materials at your bedside, and if you’ve got a specific question, ask for a dream about it. (Remember to specify that it uses imagery you understand and that you remember it.)

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