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Astrology Forecast for Dec 30 2013 – Jan 5 2014

Astrology Forecast for Dec 30 2013 – Jan 5 2014

Astrology Forecast for Dec 30 2013 – Jan 5 2014

by Kathy Biehl


Some New Years feel like a technical calendar entry. This one lets us know coming and going that it’s a major passageway with the door bolting behind us.

Here is the Astrology Forecast for Dec 30 2013 – Jan 5 2014:

A New Moon on New Year’s Day is just one of the reasons this one feels so fresh and clean. (Read about it in my mooncast, which will be on the site by Tuesday.) The Moon has plenty of  of high-powered, future-oriented company in the sky, though, and how.

Last week’s heavy machinery is still churning. It’s coming right at you and working over the very ground beneath your feet.  While fireworks usher one year out and the next in, evolutionary depth charges are going off like a string of firecrackers (make that: sticks of dynamite) tossed into a sewer.

See Also
2018 Leo New Moon OMTimes

Developments that have been rumbling for months, perhaps more than a year, are erupting into being — in many cases, erupting from within you.  They are quickening fundamental renovations of structures, foundations and systems that have been integral to your life.

The week promises an epidemic of no-turning-back realizations, decisions and conversations,   of shape-shifting, of skin-shedding, and of stripping down to the bone. Relationships play a precipitating role, upping the pressure that is causing us to burst open or, taking the metaphor into the opposite direction, transform from carbon to diamond.

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