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Astrology Forecast for Dec 30 2013 – Jan 5 2014

Astrology Forecast for Dec 30 2013 – Jan 5 2014

Mars, the planet of action, aggression and drive, is still locked into a dynamic configuration with the two cosmic change agents. Last week he had a stare-down with Uranus, agent of unpredictable, radical change, and we likely saw situations we wanted to get as far away from as possible. On Monday, he completes his clash with Pluto, lord of death and rebirth. He’s activating decisions and redirections from the beginning of October. A new phase dawned then in getting along with each other. Now new approaches in or qualities of relationship dynamics are moving to the center and screaming, “It’s time!”

Our side of each relationship equation is becoming clearer and more focused in the middle of the week, as the Sun and Mercury enjoy Pluto’s simplifying company and feel Mars’ heat. This is a recipe for dropping pretense, embracing personal truths and no longer tolerating the intolerable.  Contemplation, conversations and messages are monumental and game-changing. People are being forced to walk their talk. Forget small talk, or the possibility of take-backs. Both are out of the question in this storm of demands, ultimatums and disclosures.

Much of this could come as a relief, actually. The week is a nonstop updating to get clear, focused and on track. It’s underscoring, yet again, what is most important, and yanking you out of situations that are inconsistent with that. We are all grappling with this monumental process and inclined to communicate about it, a lot, as the week goes on.

See Also

With this whirlwind inaugurating the year, resolutions are going to be overlooked, except maybe to clean up and move ahead on everything that rearranges now. A guideline does drop into view by the end of the weekend. No matter how rocky the road that leads to it, the first weekend of the year finds you sure-footed and on solid emotional ground.

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