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Astrology Forecast for Dec 30 2013 – Jan 5 2014

Astrology Forecast for Dec 30 2013 – Jan 5 2014

Wednesday:  Happy New Year! The first hours signal how profoundly different this one will be. Our hearts and psyches are grappling with the latest round of change (and imperative that it go further and deeper) as the first New Moon of the year lines up, in Capricorn. (Read about it in my mooncast, which will be posted by Tuesday.) We’re sweeping out the old with uncommon vigor, paring back and refocusing. We’re entering the new year with a stripped-down, streamlined, stronger, unapologetic self. The revealing, introspective and profound vibe could make for out of the ordinary interactions — assuming that you care to step out of yourself enough to connect with anyone. The evening has the air of dust settling and glue drying.

Thursday:  The overnight hours echo Christmas Day send reminders of discomfort that is yet to be addressed or resolved. Let your heart and friends lead you through the morning, when the Moon is void of course (what that means) from 6:13 AM until 12:04 PM EST. A more detached air blows when the Moon moves into Aquarius then. Detached does not mean unimpassioned, though. The new-and-improved you is raring to go and willing to let others know in no uncertain terms. Watch out, walls, human or otherwise.

Friday:  Your mind is not getting any rest but is turning over and over comparing stark reality with the comfort you crave. Action plans burst out of you full writ, and you have the sense of self and communication skills to implement them by simply radiating. Nostalgia is creeping in. This year is already so radically different from your past, and wistful reminders of the way you were waft in and out today (probably because the activity has finally died down enough for you to notice them). The evening is less than cushy, alas. Walls, lack and obligations insert themselves as the Moon goes void of course (what that means) at 8:48 PM EST until noon tomorrow. Contemplate, but don’t push, yet.

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