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Astrology Forecast – Week of December 23-29, 2013

Astrology Forecast – Week of December 23-29, 2013

Astrology Forecast – Week of December 23-29, 2013

by Kathy Biehl


The year is going out with a bang. Here is the Astrology Forecast – Week of December 23-29, 2013: This week courses with awakening, motivating, volatile and even incendiary impulses. They’re not merely dealing with old business. They’re also propelling us straight into the tasks, themes and issues of 2014.

The playing field is as likely to be within you us as well as in the behavior and external events you encounter. Cosmic alarm clocks are going off on multiple levels and moving everyone forward on developments and decisions (or deepening fractures) dating to the early days of May, October and November. Restructuring has been in the works since all of those times, and the next big phase of work is here.

See Also
2022 Libra Full Moon

The main instigator is Mars, the planet of action, aggression and outright war, marching forward in Libra, the sign of relationships, teamwork and negotiation.  This week his path takes him directly into the ongoing conflict between the cosmic change agents, Uranus and Pluto, who have been keeping the pressure on for fundamental restructuring since mid-2012.  Mars is now adding relationship issues into the mix and moving the change imperative into new levels.

Over the course of the week, the action planet is connecting with the change agents in a dynamic configuration called a t-square. The link-up has movement written all over it, in every conceivable way you can look at it. Hotheads Mars and Uranus are bearing down on Pluto, the lord of death and transfiguration. The pressure is forcing structural change to go even deeper (akin to cleaning out a failed root canal) and dump out in the opposite sign of Cancer, ground zero for home, family, tradition, sentimentality and unbridled emotions.

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