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Miracles Do Happen – An Interview With Brian Weiss

Miracles Do Happen – An Interview With Brian Weiss


Exclusive Interview

 JVM: In your new book, Miracles Happen, you describe many cases of emotional and physical healing in your patients and workshop participants undergoing regression therapy. What is the most profound story/example you can share?

Brian Weiss MD :There are so many important and profound examples that it is impossible to isolate just one. I say this because for some people healing psychological problems is most important.


For other people physical healing is primary. And for still others to find their spiritual nature trumps all the other benefits. One story about a woman, Lee from South Africa whose husband died, is powerful to me because it combines elements of contacting the other side, of life after death, and of emotional healing. Her husband was able to communicate important messages to her and to their sons, and this helped the entire family heal their grief.

 JVM: Why did you co-write this with your daughter Amy?

See Also

Brian Weiss MD : Amy has graduate degrees in writing and in social work, and she is a past life therapist. She has always been interested in spiritual and holistic topics. She brought fresh eyes to this book from its inception to its conclusion. It was such a pleasure to write this book with Amy because she contributed to the writing, the editing, the conceptual process, the collection of stories, and in so many other ways.

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