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Miracles Do Happen – An Interview With Brian Weiss

Miracles Do Happen – An Interview With Brian Weiss


Brian Weiss MD :Understanding past lives helps put the present life in perspective. It highlights what is important in a lifetime and what is not so important. Understanding also helps to allay fears and to bring more joy and happiness into the present life.

JVM: Do all souls reincarnate? Do souls reincarnate immediately?

Brian Weiss MD : I believe that all souls reincarnate, but earth is not the only place. There are many dimensions, both physical and non-physical, and souls can have experiences in all of these dimensions. Souls do not necessarily reincarnate immediately. Learning and growth takes place on the other side also. When the conditions are favorable to be reborn, when the learning opportunities are optimal, then the soul will reincarnate at that time.

Amy Weiss on How Past-Life Regression Therapy Healed Her Present-Life Health Problem

Dr. Brian Weiss says past-life regression can help heal the mind, body and soul. So when his daughter, Amy, was diagnosed with sight-threatening cataracts at age 25, she decided to give it a try. Find out what she saw during her past-life regression, and learn how she’s doing today.

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Brian L. Weiss, M.D., is the nation’s foremost expert on past-life regression therapy. He is a graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School and is the chairman emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, Florida. Dr. Weiss maintains a private practice in Miami and conducts international seminars and experimental workshops as well as training programs for professionals.

He is the author of several bestselling books based on his experience as a psychiatrist and healer. Weiss has been featured in numerous magazines, newspapers, and television shows, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live, and 20/20.

Amy E. Weiss has a B.A. in psychology from Columbia University and a Master of Fine Arts in writing from Washington University in St. Louis, as well as a Master of Social Work from Barry University. A certified hypnotherapist and award-winning nature photographer, she lives in Miami.

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