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Catching Up with Actress Carly Pope

Catching Up with Actress Carly Pope


Ultra’s fighting to defeat them and The Tomorrow People are simply fighting to survive.

Dana: Is your role a recurring one or permanent fixture on the show?

Carly Pope: I play Morgan, who is paranormal and has been living outside (and seemingly under the radar) of Ultra for an unknown period of time. She isn’t a freshman “break out”, the term used to describe when someone comes into their powers, she’s maybe a sophomore. Miss Burke is a recurring character. Many unknowns as to what that exactly means…sleeping with one eye open, meantime!

Dana: You first arrived in episode six of the hit series on November 13, 2013 and it was quite an entrance. What little information can you divulge on your character without giving anything away?

Carly Pope: In episode 6 “Sorry For Your Loss” we see that Morgan IS, in fact, being tracked by Ultra and that her awareness of the agency and Ultra’s of her may be more entrenched than previously assumed. I think it’s pretty safe to say she’s in a fully precarious situation and riding a (very) big risk line given her interaction with the “enemy.”

See Also

Dana: How much do you love working on this show and with the cast?

Carly Pope: I quite LOVE working on this show. It’s been so nice to play with everyone and be on a genre show, AND be back home in Vancouver to boot. I’ve done very little Sci-Fi genre work before so it’s truly a treat every time I’m on set…all new, all the time. Plus the writers, directors, effects specialists, the entire crew from transpo to grips, are all just exceptional people. And this cast is bananas.

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