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The Best Christmas Crystals for the Holidays

The Best Christmas Crystals for the Holidays

Christmas Crystals

In talking about the Christmas crystals, any gemstone makes a beautiful holiday gift, but some crystals have a greater significance.

There are some obvious, as well as some not so obvious choices I would like to mention, that can make a great gift as well as have great significance.

Here are the Best Christmas Crystals

Chiastolite: The “Cross Stone”

This powerful crystal balances one’s perspective in both creativity and practicality. It is used as a sign of devotion towards awareness and dispels negativity. It signifies both death and re-birth and helps one to understand the realization of immortality. It is used as a bridge for “crossing over”. It helps one to assimilate during times of change. It provides insight to answers when problem solving. This stone has a reputation for astral journeys and is used as a gateway into the mysterious. This stone allows for the overcoming of fear, the facing of reality and overcoming of the unknown. It exhibits the axis and angle in a different color from the rest of the crystal forming a natural cross.


An excellent all-purpose, high level gem amplifier and electrical conductor, especially on Solar plexus and Heart Chakra. Strengthens meridians, nerve system, digestion. Positively charged with warming sun energy. Often worn by teachers/healers, especially after much self-healing (addictions, childhood…) Attracts prosperity, stores, amplifies thoughts/emotions/energy (Greed too). Yang. Pink = Gold + copper. Lovingness, warmth, spirituality. Amplifies gem effects. White: Combines sun and moon’s energy, thus higher conductor and amplifier. A regenerator, helping one renew oneself. Works on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. It benefits the nervous system and improves the ability of the nerves to transmit information in the most efficient manner. Gold settings: Gold is ruled by the Sun a masculine planet, and therefore imparts a more assertive energy to crystals & minerals that are mounted in it.


Medium brown, green, blue or red, these stones are accented with tiny coppery glitter. Goldstone is a man-made stone, a type of glass with glittery metallic material in it. It is a valid classification, as it has many properties of NATURAL glasses, such as obsidian which are modified by its being man-made and having been doped with additives. Originally created when alchemists were working towards creating gold. Gently uplifting, mildly helpful to Solar plexus Chakra to reduce stomach tension, protect center of body.

Herkimer Diamonds

These clear crystals closely resemble diamonds, but are really quartz. Considered a “Dream stone”, they are used in meditation or under your pillow to enhance visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall. Most effective on the Brow and Crown Chakra therefore, this stone shifts the brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness. Amplifies and stores thoughts, energy; and can be used as a bridge to stimulate energy flow up through the Chakra centers, opening the Brow and Crown Chakra for a strong, clear channel for psychic readings and meditation. This stone helps you choose a direction to follow that will offer the path of least resistance. They contain a store of ecological memory that can be utilized by a person who can tune into the energy. Can also guide you in remembering your own past-life experiences.


The ancient Chinese culture has revered Jade for centuries. Jade is considered the health, wealth and longevity stone. used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Jade is known as androgynous, therefore it is considered having a gentle, steady pulse of healing energy. Jade is found in different colors and can be used on the appropriate Chakra based on its color. Properties common to all colors of Jade include its ability to mellow one’s existence. Helps one rid themselves of negative thoughts and energy. Very beneficial to the heart in both physical and spiritual senses. It is a very protective stone and will keep its wearer out of harm’s way. Jade bounds us to our earth energies and physical instincts. Jade is a humbling stone.


A silicate stone, which cntains water, it correlates with our emotions. Clarifies by amplifying and mirroring feelings, buried emotions, desires (including love and passion). Less inhibition, more spontaneity. Crown and Brow Chakra. Visualization, imagination, dreams, healing. Easily absorbs, stores emotions and thoughts.


In tune with emotions, water and women, especially pregnant women, pearls are a symbol of pure heart and mind; innocence and faith. Because it is from the sea, it has watery and lunar elements, therefore it is used for balancing emotions, especially for water signs. Absorbing by nature, this mineral absorbs thoughts and emotions and because of this, must be used with caution. If you feel excessively negative while wearing a pearl, it will hold that energy until it is cleansed. Remember, Pearl is the result of layer upon layer of substance produced to combat irritation. Pearl can cool and soothe. It is very nurturing. If using pearls in conjunction with other gemstones, consider Diamonds to amplify and purify, or Emeralds to bring negative energy out and disperse it.

Quartz: “Rock Crystal”

Quartz is the Master Healer and the “stone of power”! Probably the most versatile multipurpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store information/energy in, program or amplify energy and is used as a healing instrument. The natural tendency for quartz is for harmony. Quartz can both draw and send energy therefore it is effective for sending/receiving guidance. Quartz is used for transformation in healing and in all levels of change (mentally/emotionally, physically and spiritually). Quartz stimulates the natural crystal in body tissues and fluids to resonate at the highest healing frequency. Quartz works with All Chakra and master gland for balancing, cleansing and healing. It is the perfect stone for complete Aura balancing.

See Also
Mica Gemstone Advent Calendar


This famous corundum stone is found in blue, green, pink, purple, clear. Blue: Communication, insight, intuition, clairaudience, inspiration, spiritual prayer/devotion, peacefulness. Pituitary and Thyroid. Detoxing skin, body. Antidepressant. Cools, contracts, soothes, thus reducing inflammation, fevers, nosebleeds. Hearing problems, TB, burns, etc. Nervous system (& Epilepsy) and meridians. Strongest if next to skin. Especially Throat Chakra. Also: wisdom, will, centering, cheerfulness, luck. Reduces radiation effects, anxiety, procrastination. Some effects subtle.


This metal is excellent for mental, emotional, and physical releasing and cleansing. Works on mind/emotions to see life’s overview, our emotional balance, and need for patience. Like the moon’s energy, silver has a gentle, cool, smoothing effect. Therefore, it reduces inflammation, fever, nervous system stress. Best with the gentler, cooler-colored gems. Works with pituitary and upper energy centers, therefore, works well on the psychic mind, unconditional love and healing. Generally, it has a cooling Yin energy. Wear this metal when you feel attracted to it. Silver works best as a communicator. It assists in verbal and representational communication. It should be worn only when it feels right.

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 About the Author

Connect with Andrew Pacholyk, MS L.Ac at

Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit

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