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Jeff Olson:The Power Behind the The Slight Edge

Jeff Olson:The Power Behind the The Slight Edge

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Jeff Olson: No matter what you aspire to be in your life, you build things in the moment that you’re in. No single moment is significant. It’s the collection of all these moments where you did something in the moment, that over time, make a difference in where you are in your life. The “Darn I wish I did” people are thinking about the past and the future, but not living in the moment.

Don’t be a victim of the past; use the past to learn from and don’t be in the mindset of “If I had this I’d be happy.” Use the future to draw you forward. You will get to where you want to be in the moment.

You have to focus on the moment you are in.


Omtimes: How do you relay the connection between Collective Responsibility and the Ripple Effect with your personal history of accomplishments?

Jeff Olson: Our days are a collection of interactions with other people. Every day and every interaction you have, you create a good, bad, or indifferent ripple.Slight_Edge_omtimes

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The people that you interact with each day will take the ripple you create, whether it be positive or negative, and spread that out. But you only see the first one or two ripples.

You never know how large of an impact your ripple will have on others. So it brings a larger focus on the daily decisions we make and how those ripple out. By focusing on that, it has helped me make better decisions each day, when I think of the ripple effect those decisions will create. And we know success is just the compounded effect of those small, positive decisions.

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