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15 Important Health Uses for Papaya Leaves

15 Important Health Uses for Papaya Leaves

The Amazing Health Benefits Papaya Leaves

Most people know about papayas but not many know about the amazing health benefits of Papaya Leaves.  Papaya Leaves contain powerful healing compounds that are very important for great health and vitality… and for curing cancer and dengue fever.

15 Health Uses for Papaya Leaves

Uses of Papaya Leaves #1 – Indigestion & Heartburn

Papaya Leaves are great for getting rid of invading bacteria that cause upset stomach problems because they contain karpain which kills bacteria.

And it contains lots of papain, protease enzyme, and amylase enzyme which help to breaks down proteins, carbs, and sooth the GI tract… and helps with acid reflux.

Papaya Leaves reduce inflammation of the stomach lining and heal gastric ulcers by killing H. pylori bacteria. And Papaya Leaf tea soothes away colon inflammation from IBS and other inflammatory bowel diseases.


Uses of Papaya Leaves #2 – Down Wheat Gluten

Papaya Leaves have the ability to break down wheat gluten making it easy to digest.


Uses of Papaya Leaves #3 – Cancer

Papaya Leaves have a milky sap that’s great for preventing and killing cancer cells because it contains acetogenin.

There are many studies including studies in Japan showing that Papaya Leaves are effective for curing cancer. And there are people who have cured their cancer by drinking Papaya Leaf Tea for extended periods of time.

The University of Florida did studies showing that Papaya Leaves contain agents that kill cancer, especially cervix, prostate, liver, breast, and lung cancer. The more concentrated the tea the better the results… and there are no side effects of any kind.

Down through history in Australia the native aboriginal people have talked about Papaya Leaf Tea as a great cancer healing agent, also in Asia and other places.

Most recommend taking 10 leaves, cutting them up and boiling them in a 1/2 gallon water until it boils down to quart… then let it cool. The tea will keep in the frig for 2 days in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid… drink as much as possible.

Plus Papaya Leaf tea enhances chemotherapy… and helps with chemotherapy side effects.


Uses of Papaya Leaves #4 – Prostate Enlargement

Papaya Leaf tea can help with benign prostate enlargement and also help with rectal lesions problems associated with prostate enlargement.


Uses of Papaya Leaves #5 – Acne Remedy

If you have acne then take dried Papaya Leaves and putting them in a blender with just enough water to make a paste. Then take the paste and used it as a mask, let it dry, and then wash it off… it works great for acne!


Uses of Papaya Leaves #6 – Increase Platelet Count

Papaya Leaf Tea cures thrombocytopenia or low platelet counts which keeps a person from clotting. There have been many studies showing that Papaya Leaf Tea can increase platelet counts in cases of vitamin deficiencies, chemotherapy, dengue fever and more.


Uses of Papaya Leaves #7 – Menstrual Pain

Take 6 Papaya Leaves and boil them in a liter of water for 15 minutes. Then add any kind of juice that you like… let cool and drink one large glass 3 times a day.


Uses of Papaya Leaves #8 – Laxative

Papaya Leaves made into a strong tea also work well as a good laxative… for those who suffer from constipation.

Uses of Papaya Leaves #9 – Dengue Fever

Papaya Leaves made into a tea lower fevers and helps with colds, flues, and even dengue fever… and some even call it a cure for dengue fever.


Uses of Papaya Leaves #10 – Skin Problems

Papaya Leaves can help with fungal infections of the skin, warts, scars… and get rid of freckles.


Uses of Papaya Leaves #11 – Increase Appetite

Papaya Leaf tea increases appetite bringing vigor and vitality back to the body.


Uses of Papaya Leaves #12 – Cataracts

Papaya Leaf tea can prevent cataracts.


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Uses of Papaya Leaves #13 – Emphysema

Papaya Leaves contain lots of Vitamin D which prevents emphysema.


Uses of Papaya Leaves #14 – Immune Booster

Papaya Leaves contains lots of powerful antioxidants that boost your immune system and stave off cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer.  Papaya Leaves create “Th1” a cytokines which boost the immune system and fights cancer.


Uses of Papaya Leaves #15 – Anti-Aging

Papaya Leaf also contains 50 or more different amino acids such as: threonine, glutamate acid, glycine, valine, leucine, phenylalanine, lysine, tritophan, cysteine, histidine, tyrosine, alanine, proline, aspartate, and more… and some of these agents are used in cosmetics for creating young healthy looking skin, and have been used as anti-aging compounds.


What’s inside of Papaya Leaves

Papaya Leaves contains lots of great nutrients such as B-Vitamins for vitality and enhanced mood, Vitamins A and C which are powerful antioxidants, calcium and Vitamin D which are important for strong bones, Vitamin E which is important for sexual and cardiovascular health.

Flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants that keep away cancer and cardiovascular disease, tannins that boost the immune system, and betacarotene for immune enhancement and eye health.

You can find Papaya Leaf tea on-line or ask for it at your local health food store.


About the Article

This information is meant to get you started… so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition.. this article not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form.

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About the Author

Dr. Paul Haider has been a Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, Punjab teas, and at – feel free to contact him any time. Also check out Dr. Haider’s radio show at

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