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Plantains – Healthy Food for the Future

Plantains – Healthy Food for the Future

Plantains – Not the Banana You Grew Up With

With global warming more tropical foods are going to be important as staple foods for the world… and Plantains are one of them. On the BBC a while back plantains were said to be a very important food for the world in the near future. 

Plantains are amazingly healthy, full of lots of vitamins, minerals, energy, fiber and more. One Plantain plant can produce as much 100 pounds of wonderful fruit that can be used like potatoes.

Reasons Why Plantains are a Food of the Future

Grow All Over – Plantains grow in Asia, Africa, Caribbean, Central America, South America, parts of Australia, and in the US in Florida, or any where in a green house. Once the tree bears fruit it must be cut down allowing one of the little plantains that grow around the trunk to grow tall and take it’s place

Potassium – Plantains have more potassium than bananas and thus help with cardiovascular function and water regulation. And potassium can help offset the negative qualities of salt in your diet by lowering blood pressure.

Gastric Ulcers – A study by the prestigious Mayo Clinic found that Plantains contain “leucocyanidin” which prevents gastric ulcers… and they also help with gastritis.

Vitamins – Plantains contain Vitamins A, C, and B – all important antioxidants that help to slow the ageing process, prevent DNA damage, and provide a boost for your metabolism and give you energy. Also Vitamin K for clotting and E for cardiovascular health.

Minerals – Plantains are a good source of magnesium for cardiovascular health and strong bones, phosphorus for strong bones, and iron for anemia, zinc for immunity, and calcium for enzyme activity and osteoporosis.

Source of Emergency Water – If you cut down a Plantain Tree and make a hollow in the trunk that is left standing… it will fill very fast with water. Discard the first two batches, they will be bitter, but the next filling will be fresh water. Plantain Trees are full of water, in fact the trunks of the trees are heavy because they are full of water.

Trunk of the Tree – The trunk of the tree can be ground down into a fiberous paste that can be cooked and eaten in emergency situations… not a lot of nutrition, but will keep you going for a while.

Weight Loss – Boiled Plantains also work well for weight loss because they are full of “Resistant Starch” that does not break down in your GI tract and helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar too. And cooked Plantains are low in carbs and calories, high in water, and also help your body absorb more calcium.

Low Glycemic Index – Boiled Plantains have a low glycemic index(Glycemic index of 38) making them great for diabetics.

Athletes and Children – Some experts highly recommend Plantains as a nutritious food with lots of energy for children and athletes… and people on the go that need lots of sustained energy.

Colon Health – Short chain fatty acids (Resistant Starch) important for colon health and helps in the treatment of colitis, IBS, and other colon diseases. Also cooked Plantains slow down your digestive tract, add fiber to your diet, and contain fiber that’s beneficial to the probiotic bacteria in your colon. In fact according to the National Institute of Health short chain fatty acids are well known for preventing colon cancer.

Beta Carotene – Plantains contain a large amount of beta carotene and thus help to boost your immune system and prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer.

Cholesterol Free Food – Plantains have no cholesterol and thus help to maintain a healthy cholesterol level… and they are almost fat free.

Fiber – Plantains are full of wonderful fiber that help to provide a good environment for probiotic bacteria… and thus boost your immune system and keep you healthy.

Calories – One average Plantain contains around 200 calories depending on the size, so they are good for keeping your weigh down… and they are very filling. Plantains are low in sugars, fats, and sodium so they are a good diet food… as long as you don’t fry them.

Omega 3 and 6 Fats – Plantains also contain good fats in the way of Omega 3 and 6 Oils that are important for cardiovascular health and cancer.

Diuretic Food – Plantains are diuretic and thus help you to lose water weight… and help you get rid of swelling, bloating, and that bulge around the middle caused by water weight.

PMS – Because Plantains are a good diuretic they also help with water retention associated with monthly periods.

Topically – If applied to the skin Plantains are great for burns, rashes, itchy skin, inflammation and swelling.

Plantain Tea – The leaves  can be used as a tea that helps with bladder problems and water retention.

Cooking – Plantains are a starch and like potatoes and have to be cooked be digested.

See Also

How to Use Plantains

Here is how you use Plantains – cut off both ends and then slice through the skin lengthwise on one side or both… and open it up and remove the Plantain from the skin. Now you can boil it, and then mash it, and it can be cut into slices and fried which is very popular around the world.

Plantain can be added to soups, stews, and just about anything as chunks of Plantain that cook like potato. If you are cooking a turkey instead of using potatoes around the side in the pan use chunks of Plantain. They can be cooked with rice, beans, fish, chicken, and just about any meat you can think of, and they can be grilled with the skin on.

And Plantains can be made into Plantain Chips. Some commercial Plantain Chips are even cholesterol free and organic. They are crunchy and get to be habit forming… believe me!

Mash plantains with garlic and then it is fried makes something called “Mofungo” which is delicious but will put the weight on – I am not a fried foods person… but if you are I’ve had people come from the states and get hooked on “Mofungo”.

Ripe Plantains can be cooked with any kind of sweetener and they are wonderful… usually with cinnamon too. Also they can be popped into the oven wrapped in some aluminium foil and cream cheese for just a few minutes and they are delicious!

And if you google “Healthy Plantain Recipes” lots of great recipes will come up!

Difference between Plantains and Bananas


Eaten as a fruit
Shorter than plantains
Thinner skin
Color is green when not fully ripe, yellow when ripe


Used as a vegetable
Longer than bananas
Thicker skin
Resemble green bananas, but may be green, yellow or black

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About the Author

Dr. Paul Haider has been a Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, Punjab teas, and at – feel free to contact him any time. Also check out Dr. Haider’s radio show at

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