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Romancing Trust

Romancing Trust


By Jenny Griffin

Trust, like death, is an act of total surrender. It doesn’t always come easily, and we draw to us experiences in our lives that either take us closer to or further from trust. We may believe it to be sought outside of ourselves or bestowed on us by others, but ultimately it rests within each of us.

What are we surrendering to, when we follow the path towards trust? Ourselves, and Source. We’re surrendering to the idea that separation is a fallacy that exists only in our minds, and that we are Divine representations of Oneness. That’s a pretty big ask, really.

All around us we see apparent evidence of our separateness – we see fences around our yards, names on our letterboxes, and bits of paper drawn up to represent our ownership of ‘stuff.’ We are taught the pronouns that make you and I different from him and her, and them.

Gradually we don our separateness as a cloak that, in our human form, protects us from feeling what others feel and savouring the thrill of tasting all of life’s experiences from the fullness of our Divine Oneness. We accept separateness as a definition of who we are, and what makes us unique.

Trust is a return to Source, to that Oneness that we all have access to if we allow for the surrender to take place. All our experiences are mirrors, reflecting to us whatever we need to find our way back – to where we all come from and where we all return.

Surrender, from this (human, grounded) perspective, is like giving up control, something which feels so real and tangible in this dimension. It requires huge vulnerability, and a willingness to accept that a Source we cannot always see, hear or feel, has our backs. It requires acknowledging that such a force exists in the first place, which may be discordant within our experience of separateness.

The surrender happens on a number of levels, which adds to the difficulty in the process.

Firstly, it requires a letting go of our attachment to external events. For instance, within the context of a relationship, it can feel like trust is eroded piece by piece as we respond or react according to expectations formed as a result of past experiences. Yet trust in its Divine State cannot be eroded. It is only our interpretation of it through the eyes of separation that makes it appear that way.

Another level of surrender comes in the form of accepting that the root of trust is always within us, not without. If life is reflecting to you the belief that trust is not an option, it is because something within you feels separate from Source (Divine Love). There’s a feeling within human understandings that there must be reciprocation, and that is not concordant with the energies of Divine Oneness. You can trust whatever/whomever you choose, whether or not that feeling is returned or reflected back to you.

There is also the surrender that comes of diving into the feeling of uncertainty headfirst. As we continue to relinquish our hold on the physical outcome of our actions, we move closer to trust. It is easy to be lulled into a sense of security by familiar things around us, and to release that can be frightening. Without letting go, though, we can’t get to trust.

The underlying message here is that trust is surrender and surrender is trust – they are the same energy. Both require relinquishing our hold on concepts or beliefs that keep us tied to a certain __person, outcome, expectation, etc__ and allowing for the Divine to step in. They both involve stepping up to meet Source, seeing it in ourselves, and in others.

If we accept as true that on some level we are all one, then how can we doubt that trust is inherent in us all? The issue is that as we incarnate into human form we lose sight of our own divinity, and with that comes the illusion of separation mentioned before.

See Also

Only in separation can we doubt trust, because it is the energy of Divine Love. If we feel separated from that Love, we find it more difficult to trust, and to surrender. We feel alone, and unsupported, adrift in a sea of uncertainty and fear.

The key to finding trust is to reconnect with that divinity in you, and understand that it flows through each and every one of us. Find that Divine Love, and share it, and see it in others as they reflect back to you the truth of it in yourself. Accept it as the essence of who you are, and surrender to it.

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About Jenny Griffin

Also known as ‘The Catharsis Coach,’ Jenny loves exploring life’s twists and turns through the lens of transformation. Her own journey through catharsis, a deep, deep letting go of ingrained patterns and beliefs, resulted in a feeling of connectedness, with the world around her and with that wise and wonderful voice within. Jenny has learned to engage with her life and experiences in a way that allows her to use the knowledge gained through them to serve others. When she’s not writing, she’s coming up with new ways to help people move through change with grace and ease.

You can find her at: The Power of Change on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and on Twitter

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